Novation Launchkey Mk4 37 MIDI Remote map is REALLY buggy! Can someone help? M.C-can you help?

Exactly :+1:

And sometimes this occurance seemed to be tied to me having dis/reconnected the units, and sometimes, (at least, as far as I could see), it had nothing to do with anything that I could remember doing.

But, all of this just put in my mind the impression that MIDI Remote was still figuring out a lot regarding device/port identification. And: this is why I’ve learned to assume great pause before disconnecting a controller.

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It has happened, too, with my Mac-once that I can remember. But it seemed much less dramatic, and the cause seemed more easily identified, and situation more easily remedied.

So, perhaps as your reply suggests, the Mac Universe is a bit less suseptible to this phenomenon

I think that they don’t easily change port names, and this saves the day :slight_smile:

So, the short of all of this-as I see it-is:

If I’m going to have to dis/reconnect my LK then the safest way of doing it seems to be to first shut down Cubase entirely, then disconnect, do what I have to do, and then re-connect, and then re-open Cubase.

Certainly not a convenient workload, and certainly not ideal.

But, I-like you-really do have an appreciation for Novation’s implementation of their DAW Mode. I really like the design of the script. Otherwise I would not be going through all of this nonsense.

So: I don’t mind discovering Coping Measures, as long as they are discoverable and predictable-so I know what to do each time.

My travails throughout yesterday seems to have presented to me a way of coping with the idiosyncracies of the LaunchKey with MIDI Remote. So as long as I know what to do, I’ll do just that, and hope that eventually things will get even better (i.e.: more convenient.)

And: this thread has been looked at several times by many readers, so that says to me there’s some sort of interest out there beyond you and myself: perhaps there are others out there who are experiencing the same issues, or issues that closely resemble my issues.

So, hopefully, this thread has helped some people out there.

Hi all,

I just discovered this topic, I also have this type of problem, I have only one project that in daw mode does not turn on the track pads. All the other projects work. Windows 11 OS, Cubase 13.40 I will soon upgrade to 14.
