Yeah, you’re right, doing it in-house is definitely better. I’ve only used the feature in Studio One a couple of times without issue so there’s probably some behind-the-scenes problems with its implementation, but for me it was more about the user-facing elements of its video exporting - there’s still room for improvement, but the options they did include in the export dialogue are quite good.
Agreed. The third-party dependency of Studio One’s video features – and actually Studio One’s video features have OS dependencies which are even worse since each platform is different and subject to the whims of the OS developers (which got Steinberg in trouble with QuickTime dependency in the first place!) – is a serious limitation, much better to keep it in house as Steinberg has now decided to do it, all things considered. Especially with Apple’s and Microsoft’s lousy track record of consistency/support.
Agreed on user-facing features… and most importantly, I think Steinberg needs to add more options/settings/codecs to the video export, and hopefully a full audio replace feature instead of rerendering the video too.
So. Tried to give, yet, another chance to the colour context without “transparent mode”, spent 5 hours on it.
Cant get a “deeper” track colour to work properly on a dark project background, and can’t stand a “lite” project background with black wave forms.
Always worked with strong track colours, and the closest thing I could get and tolerate, take notice that its just my user preference, was a white waveform across the board, but, after setting and saving those colours prefs, I came with yet another funny thing: THERE ARE BUGS ON THE SAVED SETTINGS ON THE COLOURS PREFS. Those will not save as expected, well, sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t!!!
Do you guys really think that in Post, we have the time to open the editor instead of staying on the project window, to edit a file?! Cause it seems like the sudden disappear of the “transparent mode” leads exactly to that kind of thinking.
Im now back to N8, mind you, payed the same for that N8-N10 upgrade as the people that crossgraded from cubase, oh!!! and also mind you, my first Nuendo rig was that bundled RME one back in the days, with RME AD/DA´s and Word Clock, N2/N3.
So, and after spending that amount of money throughout all these years on your products, can I at least get my preferred workspace back? it was there recently, but then, a “.1” update tried to marry his relative just to make things EASIER (?!)
Get your S#it together Steinberg, ASAP.
Regarding the video-exporter: As far as first releases go this looks really really decent! Love where this is going! Will not miss muxxing in After Effects.
If you are using Windows platform, please note that Windows 10 is required for the video export feature.
It is not supposed to be working on Windows 7 in case you are using it.
That explains all, that I could not find it. But come on, frankly, I am surely not the only one who still use Win 7. Which is rock steady stable.
So is it soooo difficult to implement it in Win 7 ? I don’t get it. However Nuendo 10 works for me like a charm.
Dear, Microsoft itself has probably announced its cancellation of support for Windows 7 within 2020, which starts just two months from now. I highly recommend you to upgrade to Windows 10 for this reason alone, if not for all the goodness.
It’s not complicated, most likely. It costs money to develop for multiple operating systems and support for them all. And with no ‘backup’ from Microsoft it just seems like a no-brainer to move on.
The video renderingg uses technology that is available in Win10 but not in Win7.
That’s why it was removed from the menu running under Win7, 'cause it wouldn’t work anyway.
O.K. A few weeks ago, I threw caution to the winds, and upgraded to V-10.
The reason I had delayed was, because of what I was reading about video export.
Well, last night, I exported a video, and the result included the music I had composed, albeit in “two phases”. By two phases, I mean, Nuendo exported the bounced audio first, then the video. Further to that, I was able to export a segment from the middle of the project!