I can’t get insert silence to work on a fairly large project. Delete time works though.
I opened the project in N12 and performed insert silence there then re-opened in N13 and kept working.
I can’t get insert silence to work on a fairly large project. Delete time works though.
I opened the project in N12 and performed insert silence there then re-opened in N13 and kept working.
Mate sure you do not have rulers selected when you go to insert the silence.
I can’t double check this now as I’m just posting from phone.
Thanks Phil. There are ruler tracks in the project. Could the fact that the project has ruler tracks be the problem in N13? It has never been a problem in N12 as I use ruler tracks all the time and frequently use insert silence.
The function appears to operate differently in N13 compared to N12. In N12, I could set my left and right locators, and when inserting silence, it would add time to all tracks regardless of the selected ones. However, in N13, it seems the function only works with the range tool and affects only the selected tracks.
This is a known issue. If the Ruler track is present in the project, the Insert Silence doesn’t work as expected.
This is going to be fixed in the 1st maintenance update.
Good to know, thanks. I’ll remove ruler tracks until further notice.
Here I’m unable to insert a silence on all the tracks (almost 600). And I don’t have a rules track. This is serious. You can’t even add a part to a session! I miss Pro Tools… Good God, does anyone have a trick? A major bug like this is unthinkable.
I have this working now, i am on 13.0.41
This is the version I have and it doesn’t work.
Could you make a video screen recording, please?
I’ll try to find the time.
I want to add something that, even if the insertion had worked, would still be a problem (in fact, I manually moved the track contents with the “select from cursor to end” function and selecting all the tracks - over 500, as I specified).
We have no overall indication of which events and/or tracks are locked. If I have 24 locked tracks, for example (and these could be automation tracks), these tracks will not follow the insert or move (and in the case of autimation, even if the option to follow the audio track is activated). In Pro Tools, in the same context, there’s a warning and an option that basically says: there are locked tracks (or clips). Do you want to move them with the rest of the tracks or not? Crucial function!
So, in Nuendo, you need either this kind of message, or a list of locked tracks and events.
Here you go. You can see that I run the command on a number of tracks and it doesn’t work. No track is locked, and no ruler is present except the main one. And I have version 13.0.41 on Mac Silicon.
Update. Can’t anyone help here? This is a terrible bug. I’ll contact technical support.
Update 2: The only thing support (very fast and attentive in my case) could do was ask me to delete my preferences. It works, but after a considerable loss of time.
I wanted to specify here that the update from Sonoma 14.4 to 14.7 fixed the problem. Technical support explained that crashes caused the problem. Then deleting the preferences (heavy task I hate) fixed it…until the next crash! But upgrading to Sonoma 14.7 fixed everything, without even re-clearing the preferences. Yay!
Update: everything came back. I don’t know why. Support asked me to redo my preferences, but that doesn’t change anything. Discouraging. This is a vital function in a big project.
Ok, I’ve just discovered something, which explains everything and the fact that I didn’t understand what was different between working and not-working.
It’s that it doesn’t include the bottom space at the bottom of the tracks! If included, nothing happens. If not included, it works.
The basic difficulty is that the two clicks with the interval tool (Range) also select the bottom space and therefore prevent the insertion of the silence.
I expect that you are talking about the Range Tool. If you hold down Ctrl/Cmd + Shift and make a Range, the Range is created over all tracks (including the part below the tracks). Is this the case you are describing?
Exactly. Thanks for clarifying.
p.s. As you know, I work in French. In French, this tool is: intervalle. I can’t, in every thread, do a word-for-word equivalence job with the English version. Meaning must take precedence over vocabulary. In general, your understanding is quite correct and I try to correct it.
I tried with the Ctrl/Cmd + Shift, to make sure, I select all. But I was able to Insert Silence. So there must be some object, which prevents this.
Would you be willing to share your project (via Dropbox or a similar service; you can send me the link via a Private Message), please? Please, don’t share the WAV files, just the *.npr file. I will try to reproduce it with your project and then slim it down to find out, which object exactly prevents to Insert Silence.
Thank you
I can take the time to do this, but there is no object here that blocks the insertion of silence. The proof is that I can insert silence perfectly and wherever I want, as long as the bottom vertical range under the last track is not selected. Have you selected this area correctly (see my image above)?
Update: I stand corrected. In another project, I can insert a silence even with this vertical range selected. If I rely on technical support, which has already done what you’re asking, without being able to reproduce the problem, this would be one of my options in the preferences. Difficult.