November 20, 2023, 9:25pm
[quote=“MattiasNYC, post:200, topic:876348”] Could you please tell us what bugs you are talking about? I’m sure there are several people who haven’t started on v13 yet and would like to know[/quote].
After 2 minutes of research (I haven’t checked everything for validity), and there are more:
Yep, everyone knows not to trust changing software mid-mix. It was a low pressure thing and I had a backup plan. I’m just glad it’s not crashing continuously now.
Another question for the adventurous people who have already switched to NU13: Has this issue finally been addressed? (… see above).
I am used to scrolling my values on the Nuendo parameter, for example on muy sends, and on Nuendo 13 is not working. Any suggestion?
Nuendo 13 on my Apple Silicon (Mac Studio Ultra M1 OS 14.1.1) is extremely unstable. I am using your AXR4U audio interface with new drivers. I am very disappointed.
Gentlemen at Steinberg, you should thoroughly test your future products on all platforms before offering them to customers. Nuendo 12 with final fixes worked much more stable for me. This is frustrating.
“Locate Next Event” and “Locate Previous Event” works fine, but “Play” does not start from Event position if other than “Start from Project Cursor Position” is selected as Transport > “Start Mode”.
Please make this work in a logic and consistent way:
If I choose Transport > “Start Mode”: “Start from Selection or Cycle Start”:
I want to Play from the Event where the cursor is located after selecting “Locate Next Event” or “Locate Previous Event”.
I have N12 and N13 on my system. N12 will play DNXHD files perfectly but N13 tells me I need to install and license the decoder. Is anyone else experiencing problems with the decoder after N13 upgrade?
My license is managed through the activation manager and it is activated.
Problem solved, install all updates, not just the main program.
Nuendo keeps bouncing while playing, especially when pressing the G or H button on the keyboard
Was just setting up a new Atmos project in Nuendo 13, and can’t get the Atmos renderer to connect. Same exact sequence works in N12.
Selecting the ‘Dolby Audio Bridge’ in Studio Setup. Then in Audio Connections setting up bed buses, and going to the ADM dialog to connect them.
In the ADM dialog, selecting the 'Dolby Atmos (external) from the drop-down. But the status dot stays red instead of green, and the gear icon next to it where you can change the settings doesn’t respond. Clicking on it d…
I have this annoying bug on the latest Nuendo 13 update where the selection tool wont allow to selected all under the cursor. Video attached.
What happened to the tempo indicators in N13?
They used to show up on the top ruler in Time Warp tool mode. Now they’re gone. Not only did they display all tempo values, but they were the only way to average tempo changes (shift click eraser) without shifting the hole tempo track. If they are gone, this is a show stopper for my workflow.
[Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 12.43.52 PM]
[Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 12.45.10 PM]
I can’t get insert silence to work on a fairly large project. Delete time works though.
I opened the project in N12 and performed insert silence there then re-opened in N13 and kept working.
It’s just a small bug, but an annoying one:
In Nuendo 12, names in the ADM tool were truncated if the window was not large enough to display the full name. In Nuendo 13, you can now only see a dot. Only when the window is enlarged to show the full name does it appear. Apparently the ADM tool in N13 no longer truncates.
I thought some of my buses were not connected. Until I got the idea to enlarge the window.
Wow, I hope they add it again or give the option to add a shortcut to reload presets. My whole template revolves around it and now it’s more cumbersome to activate a track and reload a preset.