Nuendo 13 is here! Its best features?

I’ll start with the Atmos renderer, which finally supports 9.1.6, and the new plug-in that separates dialogue and ambient sounds ( VoiceSeparator).


Love the Tonal match addition! Also very interesting to see the MPEG-H renderer in action. They’ve got my money after I finish up a few mix projects in Nuendo 12! :slight_smile:


Tonal Match works great.
Normally Steinberg makes a “very usable” plugin, not competing with the best of 3th party plugins. But this Tonal Match plugin does wonders in Post.



Loved the tonal match! Take that izotope :joy:

Dialogue isolate also sounded a lot less artifacty than I expected which was great to hear.

Super happy about the ADR script reader and improved detect silence. Upgrading now and will mess around with it after work :grin:

It is very usable.
But for high-end productions, I think that there are better alternatives.
It’s good, it’s very good, but it’s not the best on the market.



What works very well is removing dialogue from the rest.
Very handy for making PFX!



I just read that the video engine now finally supports H264 through the graphics card.

This was actually one of the things I was most excited about. I played the live video through the studio speakers, but the sample was too short to form an informed opinion.

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That was my initial thought, too! And for lower projects like youtube videos it’s good to have a native option. Excited to test it out in a real world scenario. I have a project I’m working on now that’s perfect for seeing how well it does.

Very good point. I think it was sort of hinted at in the presentation, but it’s something we often can overlook in that it’s the ‘inverse’ of the ‘marketed’ use of the process.

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REWIRE in Nuendo 13.

Why not in Cubase ? Hard to believe what I see sometimes .

I’ve mentioned this elsewhere: It’s great that you can finally zoom horizontally and vertically with the mouse. It was really overdue! It’s a small thing, but since I switched from Sequoia to Nuendo, it was one of the things that bothered me the most.


… can’t wait to read…


For dialogs, there are some interesting new features, but these have yet to be tested against the competition in terms of third-party plugins. I don’t think it’s going to match them, but it could be useful.

Not a word in this presentation about what we’ve already seen for Cubase, but I understand.

The same interface with its 100% whitespace was expected.

Personally, there’s nothing for me. I’m keeping my $305.00.

P.S. I’d like to point out that the new MPEG-H window features a new design, again. It looks great, and all Nuendo should look like it someday, but it’s funny to see this inconsistency continue and increase.


Best features for me are mainly the new dialogue-related tools. I’ll have to hear more examples to see if this is going to be worth the upgrade price. I’ll be curious to know exactly what TonalMatch is really doing. It says it matches the spectral profile (EQ), but what is the algorithm that it is using to match the ambient noise floor… is it using VoiceSeparator to grab the ambience? And as for VoiceSeparator, I’ll have to hear some good comparisons between it and existing third-party tools I already own, to see if this is a “me-too” plugin or if it actually pushes the boundaries and makes some improvements.

And I have an existing workflow for those kinds of tasks, so I’m not sure this would actually save me time or improve quality. But I’m very open to finding out how it will do on my kind of project.

It’s interesting to see that Steinberg has started down the path of in-house AI-trained plugins, which is a smart move. And once you start with one AI-trained plugin, then it’s likely we’ll see more of those in the future.

I wonder who wrote the plugin though – if it’s the SpectraLayers guy, or adapted from SpectraLayers tools, or if it’s a new guy starting from scratch. Would be nice to have more than one developer with good AI experience in the Steinberg family.

Sadly, though, no ripple editing. Maybe for Nuendo 14?


That would make sense. But I don’t have the insight to answer that. SpectraLayers certainly does a good job with things like that. But we mainly use RipX here in the studio. New plug-ins have to compete with that.

Oh sure, I agree, I’ve tested or own most of the AI-trained plugins, and Steinberg needs to compete with the best. 100% agree. But as we can see, the AI-trained plugins are playing leapfrog with each other, and the different training models out there that some of them are based on is another factor, as those get improved over time too. So it’s a moving target, and Steinberg has to stay on top of this now that they dipped their toe in the AI plugin pond.

So I’m skeptical about Steinberg’s entry into the field, will need to compare real-world examples before I draw a conclusion and decide it’s worth it or not. I’m not trying to be negative though. I do think this is smart for Steinberg to do.

And another simple truth is, that the BEST plugin is the one you have on hand. So for people that need to get moving quickly, out of the box, with one installer, and not worry about carting around other licenses on their laptops, for example, Steinberg has done a good thing.


Nuendo - YouTube

Videos on more than what was presented in the preview…


Oh, I didn’t know that. Is RipX good? Reasonably priced.

Same thing for everyone else - I just tried the new VoiceEx from Cedar and compared it to Goyo (now released as Clear). The differences are fairly minor, compared to the pricing in that case.

There are some good plugins out there, so the bar has risen where you can’t just rely on your reputation alone.

There are possibly great improvements lurking in the details in v13.

For example, when it comes to “tonal match” the video on the Nuendo channel says you can create a reference profile by choosing a source file… which… obviously you can, but it also says that can be done on files in MediaBay. So to me that’s interesting because now it should be possible to browse a reference VO/Narration stem in MediaBay, get a tonal reference, and then apply it to the latest ad spot you’re working on that’s maybe in a series of spots. Not that it’s a huge deal but to some consistency matters.