Nuendo 13 is here! Its best features?

That’s a strong little detail! :thinking:

I have too, but in my case they involve RX. So the obvious benefit for me is getting the process into my Nuendo undo chain as well as speeding up the process. Now, will it be as good? Honestly, for the work I do I’m not sure I care. It needs to be good enough.


The website has been updated accordingly. All new features are listed there. (Some of them are already known from Cubase 13.)

The focus is clearly on dialogue editing and MPEG-H. I can understand that many people are not very familiar with the latter, as MPEG-H has hardly been used so far. But perhaps the integration in Nuendo will help to make MPEG-H better known. At best, it’s an investment in the future. At least that’s what I would like to see for MPEG-H.

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If you take the broad user base, the upgrade price is huge for such a narrow set of improvements.
There haven’t been features that address post workflows at a broader level in quite some time.
Ripple editing, track markers, more video tracks, improvements in exchange with editing software… all areas where ProTools saw good improvements in the same time frame.
And the additions to the Headphones profiles database are laughable. Another feature that’s there just for show.

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I think what impressed me the most about MPEG-H is being able to pan below, which I didn’t know about beforehand.


The market for all these AI plug-ins is in flux. And there is a lot of competition, especially when it comes to separating stems. Some of the best ones are even free. Not to mention the online services that are available. It could take a long time to try them all. How well the algorithm works also depends on the material. The one-size-fits-all plug-in does not (yet) exist.

Personally, I think the products are among the best. At least for now. The supplier of RipX has recently changed its product range. The standalone programme is now available in two versions for 79 and 159 EUR. The latter also includes separate plug-ins. You can try them out for 21 days.

However, this is more of a theoretical advantage. I’m not sure how well it translates to speaker configurations that don’t have the appropriate listening level.

Well the “broad user base” doesn’t consist of users that are using Nuendo “broadly” necessarily, right? It’s going to include music production, music to picture, game audio production, and all of the rest of audio post production. I think most of those categories have seen improvements so to me it doesn’t seem narrow at all.

There haven’t been features that address post workflows at a broader level in quite some time.
Ripple editing, track markers, more video tracks, improvements in exchange with editing software… all areas where ProTools saw good improvements in the same time frame.

I think the above items would be nice in Nuendo as well. However, I can live without ripple editing and track markers, and we have playlists for video now. As for exchanges with editing software I’m guessing perhaps Steinberg would have to partner with a company to make that happen. Maybe they should talk to Blackmagic Design about this?

Also, there are updates in Nuendo that PT doesn’t get. I’m betting there are (or have been) PT users that look at Nuendo’s ADR functions and are wondering why ours are getting better and why they still have nothing.

To you…

Oh yes, please! The Cubendo video engine should definitely be overhauled to support a wider range of formats. (Especially more container formats.)

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Where did you find infos about REWIRE? Can’t seem to find anything about it.

Yeah, a user, just like you.
After a year and a half they added like four new profiles?

Most likely Adobe, as BMD are trying to sell their all in one as a sound post solution as well.

Well, I can live without everything they added in Nuendo 12 and 13, if that’s the criteria. I updated to N12 just for some Cubase features (MIDI Remote in particular, which proved to be unfinished and mostly useless after all).
The idea of an update is to have improvements that are spread across the spectrum of functionality and please a variety of users.
Yeah, ADR functionality is awesome if that’s what you’re doing. If not, it goes into the “I can live without” bin.
Ripple editing is useful to everybody. So are track markers (these are just some examples).

Probably not too well for speakers. I think their main focus with bottom panning is for headphones/gaming. Interested to hear how it translates, though.


I was actually thinking more about interchanging information rather than supporting more formats. Not that I disagree with you of course.

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MPEG-H is by far superior to Dolby Atmos, we have seen How it can be powerfull during the demo . Nuendo 13 shows the future of DAW.

It is more powerfull with surround microphones, ambeo like zoom equipments.

Probably, in less than 5 -10 years, stéréo will not be the standard anymore for the music , sounds and full audio will be spatial.

All other DAW are far behind for spatial sounds, especially for the support of MPEG-H. I was waiting this functionnality so I have upgraded without an hésitation.

And don’t Forget:

  • Mpeg-H is very close of Sony Music audio 360
  • Some tests are made to include Mpeg-H into DAB+
  • Some soundbars supporting Mpeg-H are arriving on the market.

Whatch how many views make binaural vidéo - Audio on YouTube to relax, get asleep, etc

For me this upgrade is feeling waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.
And I’d hate to have my faders shortened and white all over the place.
I think I’m waiting for a sale…

I mean, now we’re supposed to buy Nuendo Full every five years?
Not right.

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One little thing I noticed, the new features of Nuendo 13 page features an Avid S console. RIP controllers :smiling_face_with_tear:


I meant that to a fair amount of users I’m betting the feature isn’t just for show. They have a decent amount of profiles, no? So useful for all of those that have what they need there. SB can’t improve every single feature, every single time, significantly, every time they update the app. So they have to prioritize.

I’m betting if they had added 30 profiles and not included the ability to convert tracks from mono-stereo and back then guess what people would have complained about…

I just don’t think it’s for show for many people, that’s all.

I just meant that we - people in general - tend to ignore functions that we don’t really care much about and instead focus on other things. So when I say I can live without ripple edit I’m not trying to say that anyone who needs it is worth less or their request is worth less. I’m just trying to say that of course every single time someone says they need something SB is going to have to prioritize that against what other people say they need. So it’s difficult to draw broad conclusions from a perspective that’s arguably too personal.

And anything is useful to everybody assuming they’ll use it. Same for improved track import or better video engine + video audio support, mono<->stereo track conversion, improved sample track for music and sound design for post, flexible return channels for better routing… I would argue a lot of that is good for everyone, so it’s not like they didn’t improve things “across the spectrum of functionality”.

And lastly - sorry for rambling - the cost of implementing some of these new features that are admittedly much more narrow, like MPEG-H, is probably quite high. So the question then is when should they incorporate those items. Because it may be that not doing it for v13 would free up enough resources for “ripple editing” for example, but then you’re not getting MPEG-H and it’s possible that getting the latter yields more revenue than the former. It’s a tradeoff.

Look, I’m actually not entirely unsympathetic to your feelings about the upgrade, I’m really not. I look at this and a lot of what’s included is very not sexy. But thinking about it there are some things in the package that will make me work faster - for sure. Is it worth 200? Probably. Is it sexy new stuff? No. Does it omit other non-sexy things I’d want? Yes.

All in all I think it’s a pretty good upgrade, as it usually is. Would have loved a lower introductory price though, but there are worse things going on in the universe right now so…

No offense meant btw, I didn’t mean to come off as just arguing for the sake of it… if that’s the way it looked.

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Waiting a black fryday offer…

Actually, in this case, they should.
If you create such a feature but keep the profile format closed, then it’s up to you, the provider, to significantly update the number of profiles with every release in order to keep it useful to your users.
Otherwise it’s just a bizarre piece of functionality which is useful to the particular group that happen to own the particular devices included in the initial relase.
The exact type of “feature” that will be left to rot or abandoned soon because it’s just too much to support.
Then, why develop this bizarre, “just for some” type of feature instead of focusing on stuff already mentioned like ripple editing or track markers etc.
(I actually posted at the launch of N12, wondering how is it possible that Yamaha headphones, of all brands, are missing. Guess what, they still are).

Well, the main competitor is Avid Pro Tools Ultimate and that’s 400 to stay current. So, half the pain. And of course it’s 50% more expensive to buy the perpetual license to begin with. So after the first 6 years you’ve spent $2,000 on Nuendo, and $3,500 on PT… so… an extra 75% those first 6 years.