Tried to use it in inserts in bypass mode - asio guard goes crazy and there is no sound after all
Tried to use it in inserts in bypass mode - asio guard goes crazy and there is no sound after all
Maybe you misunderstood me.
It’s all just as @allklier said first few seconds is damaged
I understand, but with what settings?
exactly the opposite.
it’s just easier to test it on noise.
Same here, same settings. I’ll save the sample export in a second.
Yeah, but that’s what I was saying. 99% of the time I work with separating backgrounds from dialog it’s not -infinity background reduction. I would expect -oo reduction to be an edge-case, and because of how difficult that is to execute technically I would expect it to not be flawless.
So what I’m saying is that pulling down the backgrounds by say 18-30dB may be exactly all that’s necessary in a lot of cases because all that’s needed is reducing the backgrounds, not ‘nuking’ them.
Hence, if that works, good, not “unusable”.
I understand your thinking.
But in other plugins (VoiceEx, Goyo/Clear) you go all the way down and it works. It also works here once you’re past the first syllable. I have 2 clean sentences, except for the first syllable.
I have to back off to about -12 before it’s ok. And in their demo they take it down to practically infinity as well (
Just check out GOYO - this is what is working good.
RX is very usable, but not this plugin
I don’t want a nuke. I want guaranteed proper operation
I mean I’m sure this can be fixed. But it’s an unfortunate teething problem for a feature they highlighted.
BTW - you get similar issues in other tools that learn / are adaptive.
In RX you need to keep some handles in, because some of the tools leave the first couple of ms untreated. You can get the same with DNS1, and you work around it by turning ‘learn’ off once it has captured the pattern.
So I’m thinking this has a rough time if it has no handles to tune on and jumps in cold. And that’s what we’re hearing. Could be fixed with some lookahead. In the demo they pulled the slider down while it was already playing, so that’s a different scenario.
That’s for sure. Reducing 100% of the background is an absurd thought. There’s a consubstantiation (it’s a big word, but that’s what it is) between the voice and the background. We need to reduce it a little, just enough, below 50% (which is already enormous). 100% is unthinkable. It’s not even good for a mix, which is not a separate abstraction from the world.
That said, that’s the case with all tools of this kind. I can’t really judge this one, but I wouldn’t ask the impossible of it.
Not sure I agree. It’s not that you do this in isolation. You do this to cleanly separate out the dialog from its background, and then build a new background instead. If the separation is successful, that can totally yield a fine mix. And yes, an extreme circumstance. But sometimes in documentaries you find yourself with absolutely horrible backgrounds, and it’s either forget the clip or work some magic.
Tools like Goyo/Clear, ClarityVX all support this type of use case successfully.
BTW - after experimenting, I extended the background (pre first syllable) by 7 frames to give the tool a bit more warm-up space to operate, and now it works. Just like other tools you need to give it handles to adapt and tune. Can’t jump in with just one frame before the first syllable. If you know that in advance you can deal with that. Of course difficult if you cut up a sentence and then need to rebuild it a handle that wasn’t in your recording.
Not really. Different techniques for different applications.
Take, for example, my home-record audiobook projects, which come in with unpredictable and often unusable ambience. My secret weapon for the last few years when I batch-RX the project files has been to strip everything out just below the threshold where the audio would be impacted and then replace it with my favorite roomtone via RX’s Ambience Match. It has saved me countless hours, and makes standardizing my projects many times easier while generally improving the quality of the sound. Massive workflow enhancer. And it saves me the trouble of making new roomtone (what I get sent tends to be useless; I don’t even ask for it anymore) every time. It just lives on its track in the template.
Obvs, this wouldn’t work the same way for multi-location post.
I’ve been doing this with the RX Spectral editor and some other doodads, and am looking forward to further developments in this area. Haven’t had a chance to test drive the new addition to Nuendo, and will likely stay with RX anyway, as it’s a built-in part of my pre-production workflow, but if something were to come along that was markedly better I’d gladly use it.
Ok, maybe you’re not understanding what my point is. You keep talking about basically nuking the backgrounds by getting rid of all of them. I’m not disputing that other plugins can do that. Fine.
I’m saying that this plugin probably is not unusable. It probably IS usable, just not with 100% reduction of backgrounds.
I hope that’s clear enough.
After a good night’s sleep, I’ll be testing Nuendo 13 in peace and quiet. So far, I’ve spent my time converting half a dozen Atmos projects from 7.1.4 to 9.1.6.
As far as the GUI goes, I don’t think it’s as bad as I feared. However, I don’t particularly like the new look of the mixer and inspector. Especially in the Inspector, I find many of the menu items are now too small.
I assume that @TimelineAudio refers to the first sentence of the quote:
I don’t think so. I think there was something wonky with the quoting. Go to Fredo’s post instead of MAS’ and you’ll see he’s referring to dialog isolate.
Would love to know if this absolutely basic need has been overlooked.
Yup. It continues…
Actually it works at 100% if you give it handles with time to tune/settle.
‘Unusable’ would be the wrong term. It was just a surprise that you needed to help it along a bit more.
And it’s quite possible that this need for handles applies at any strength, but with a less aggressive setting it may just not be as apparent that you’re loosing more good signal in the first few frames.
Meant this sorry for the confusion “I just read that the video engine now finally supports H264 through the graphics card”