Nuendo 7.5 - Any known info?

Timo did confirm that here:

You might have to update this then. 7-10 Days is not supported… :mrgreen:

Very amusing :smiley:

That’s funny! :smiley:

Update on the update?

We are getting very close to 10 days after the week after the April 28 date of Timo’s quoted post, I believe.

Yes, that is a confusing way for me to put it. Translation: It’s time for the update, unless we are going to have an extension of the extension above.

Long week end in Germany last week…Give those guys a rest.

We were just asking. And we’ve been giving them “a rest” since June last year. I think as far as patience goes we’re saints.

Oh, yes - you are right. For everyone who’s desperate for the VCA fixes it’s about time…


the Nuendo 7.0.40 update is scheduled to be finally released still this week.


Thanks, TImo. I do appreciate the communication. It’s reassuring and makes us customers feel like we matter.

N7.0.40 is out now.

thanks! let’s see what it does :wink: