Guys, please stop giving advice to release driver in background. Even my Realtek soundchip has a multi-client driver.
The solution is to tell Windows not to block the audio device.
Cubase LE 12, Version 12.0.60, Build 453, Surface Pro 7, Win11 - Installed ASIO2ALL v2, had to manually set headphones as “Main Mix” in Audio Connections.
Solved headphone playback. Previous version auto-selected headphones.
Still working on Track playback…
This guide will explain how to output the audio from both Cubase and Windows at the same time.
If you want to be able to listen to audio from Cubase, Windows or any other program at the same time, and record in multiple applications at once, the following points should be observed :
You audio interface driver must be multi-client compatible,
The sample rate must be the same between all programs,
You must disable Exclusive Mode in Window,
You must disable Release Driver in Cubase.
All these…