off topic - great to see you back Dave - I was just thinking about you the other day wondered if you were still around
(from the old alt.steinberg.cubase days)
off topic - great to see you back Dave - I was just thinking about you the other day wondered if you were still around
(from the old alt.steinberg.cubase days)
Totally been messing with my workflow. How does such a basic function that has existed for years not only get removed, but then overlooked? The real question is how long before it gets fixed? Ugh.
Thanks Dave, much appreciated! I hope it won’t take too long… In the meantime, it’s C10.5 while the wonderful C11 new features just take dust…
Holy crap! An actual appearance by a Steinberg employee in the Cubase forums. That’s something new and most welcomed. Too bad it’s because of a not so pleasant experience from users, but still …
Holy crap!
Thanks, Dave!
Thank you for answer!
This makes the application unusable for me. I use that double click many hundreds of times a session. I’ve only got two hands, so do I have to have a Dalek protuberance on my head to press 0 every time? Ridiculous
This is known and already reported issue. Thank you.
Please address this issue as a priority. When workflows have been based upon 20+ years of using this application this version is frankly unusable.
Couldn’t agree more. It would be a shame if I had to re-install Cubase 10. The elimination of return to start is a major inconvenience.
really? Unusable?
Wow, Dave, thanks for showing up. Hope you will go thtough all the other user experience issues reported since years. Perhaps the new forum gives you a better look on the situation?
Thanks for taking care! Hope we will soon notice more improvements or fixes of what got broken
At least I now know it’s not ‘just me’ and yes indeed, it’s a right pain in the behind after 30+ years of Cubase usage (started on an Atari 1040!) - so yes please Dave, maybe you could ratchet this seemingly small thing up a bit in the fixit timeline? The current two options are neither what I actually want, the long time second click behaviour really was ‘the business’
This is still not fixed in 11.0.10
It is absolutely RIDICULOUS that this was not fixed in this update!!!
it’s coming…
Hi D-Sane,
I think this issue has been fixed with the C 11.010.
These are my EUcon settings in Cubase and I have the double tap on stop button working for me.
This did not work in c11 as I was not able to change the Eucon settings. Now that Eucon settings can be edited again I unticked the Tape machine style transport checkmark and the stop button for me does what it did with older Cubase versions.
Hope I did not misunderstand your issue and this is the solution you were looking for.
Have a nice day
Thanks, but Matthias already confirmed they didn’t fix it and aren’t fixing it until the next update. Other users have said it’s not working either.
I don’t use EUcon, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Ah Ok sorry then I guess I misunderstood you.
I use a control surface and Eucon is its protocol. And until the update that feature did not work on my surface either.
But having read through this post again I just realized that you are talking about using the mouse to DoubleClick on the stop button I can confirm that, when using the mouse, it does not work.
A known problem on Cubase 11 pro, not solved by 11.0.1 patch,
Why did you not fix this???