I’ve looked around and it doesn’t seem to be possible to directly open the drum machine (or MIDI remote or Sampler track…) in a separate window, only if you open the lower zone and then click on the arrow button top right… Which is a) at least two clicks and b) opens the lower zone, which I don’t like to use and then has to be closed again, which is another click/key stroke.
Haven’t found something in the key commands either.
If that it is really not just an oversight from my side, I hereby create a feature request to have at least a key command to open those in a separate window…
I fully support this FR. Sounds like a no brainer for all those who work with multiple screens and have no use for the lower zone.
I’m pretty sure this is a tick box item in the settings -→ preferences. Under editors, tick open editors In a seperate window. L don’t use the drum editor much but it certain y works her the key editor.
It’s a complete pain for people who proactively remove and replace preferences prior to each program load, whereby an audio driver may be corrupted, and it is a case of ruling out causes of system instability.
There should be some way to flag certain items, in a .xml editor or in a .ini file, so that the only way they can be reverted, is via a repair of the application.
Yes a 1,000%
That’s all the Preference works for. Many of us would like to have that capability for anything that opens in the Lower Zone.
Yes please.
100 percent
It’s your lucky day fellows. I’ve been irritated by this for years and solved it yesterday. Go to key commands ->Editors->Open Drum Editor in window, or open key editor in window, etc. and set a hotkey.
you are welcome
@kimt I think you misunderstood. OP was talking about the Drum Machine, the MIDI Remote and Sampler Track. These guys:
Not any of the editors.
nah, that works. i just confirmed, i can double clock on a part of any kind and it;ll open in s separate window, doesn’t matter if its a midi part, pattern, drum, or audio. set up like this:
Except that’s not what we’re talking about.
Reread @mlib 's post that’s right before yours. What we’re asking for is that Preferences be added for these new-ish tools which allows them to also open in separate Windows the way that Editors currently can.
yes, and all of them open for me in a separate window. sampler, and new drum, machine, confirmed by test just now.
Well I’ve been using those same Preference settings as you for well over a decade and that isn’t what happens here. So there must be some other Preference at play.
Just to make sure we are on the same page. Are you saying that when you click the items circled in red below, the items circled in green are opened in a separate window & not the Lower Zone?
That’s correct. Although, having said that, I would never click on that actual button. I double-click the part/wav I want to edit, and it definitely pops up in a separate window. I hate that lower zone so much that if I had to use it with no other option, I’d probably move on to something else—that’s how much I dislike it. Hence, when I read this post, I thought, “Hang on, that can’t be right; I’d never put up with that.”
Not sure if this helps you, but I notice they do have keyboard shortcuts for it too. So perhaps, if you set them all to the same thing (I haven’t had to do this, just an idea), it will force it to open in a separate window no matter what you choose. I know it’s hard to change habits, but I highly recommend double-clicking on the thing you want to edit instead of using the button.
I used to have my mouse middle button set to open anything and everything in a separate window a while ago. Not sure why I got rid of that, really…
Yes, it works the same for me. But the editor that opens up is not what we are talking about. When you double-click on a MIDI Part it opens a MIDI Editor, when you double-click on a Pattern Event it opens the Pattern Editor (marked red below). None of those Editors is what we are talking about While you are accurately describing the behavior of the Editors, they are not the topic being discussed.
We want the new Drum Machine Instrument, the thing at the bottom marked green to open in its own Window. You can click on a MIDI Part, Pattern Event, or Audio Event all day long and it ain’t ever going to open the Drum Machine - not in the Lower Zone, not in its own Window, not anywhere.
Using MIDI Remote, we can assign a control to the host value Selected Track→Instrument→Edit Plug-in. Since Drum track and Sampler are actually pretty normal tracks, they will open/close in a separate window.
And if we combine that with AutoHotKey and this library, we finally have our keyboard shortcut. Easy peasy!
Sure thing! In fact it can be most useful for many things out there, even exotic ones
how much do you want to bet? I’ve got $1000 that says i open that in a seperate window.
A thousand? Really anything under 6 figures is just a joke.
But please go ahead and post a screen shot of what you clicked & what that opened. I’d actually prefer you be correct as that’s my desired behavior.