Padshop and Retrologue in Ableton

Hello Everyone! Can anybody please help me fix the problem regarding the functionality of Padshop and Retrologue? A few months ago I discovered that these two plugins worked in Ableton without the necessity of Cubase. I recently needed to reinstall my windows 10 (the same operating system as before). I tried to download the aforementioned plugins, however, the install manager showed that it couldn’t update the app and it may not work properly. I checked the instructions and Steinberg suggests installing more apps like library manager, license manager. But what for I don’t know. Can anybody help me what I should do?

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I suggest you follow Steinberg’s instructions :grinning:. Kidding, but Steinberg downloads and installations do require 3 separate pieces of software.

1) Steinberg Download Assistant - software to download their products - you may be able to sometimes find direct links on their webpages to download a product but this is much better/easier.
2) Steinberg Library Manager - software to manage location of add-ons and expansions
3) Steinberg Activation Manager - software to manage the license activation of products, either to activate just-purchased products or to move license(s) to another computer

These apps are all relatively small (10-60MB) so they won’t fill up your hard drive. No I don’t know why they haven’t consolidated these three apps into one :grinning: and made it less confusing.


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Thank You for the suggestion. I did do this. Now it shows Java error and it still cannot download those plugins, or, in fact, anything from download assistant. I don’t know what to do.

Maybe have a look at this thread:

or post the specific error(s) you’re getting, along with your machine and operating system.


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I get exactly this error.