Does WL9 have the peak normalizing function again, as in versions up to WL7?
Without any loudness matching…
Here’s a link to the topic in the WL8 forum:
This is the reason why I still use WL7.
Does WL9 have the peak normalizing function again, as in versions up to WL7?
Without any loudness matching…
Here’s a link to the topic in the WL8 forum:
This is the reason why I still use WL7.
Yes, this has been reintroduced in WaveLab 9
Dear Philippe,
I’ve installed WL9, but I can’t find the MetaNormalizer function I’m looking for, as it was available for WL7, for example.
I only find peak limiting in the WL MetaNormalizer, not normalizing.
What I am missing is the WL7 MetaNormalizer function “Normalize Mix (Master section input)”.
What I want to do: after having adjusted all clip levels in my montage, I want to make sure that the maximum peak level entering the Master section is 0dBFS, for example. Without any further processing - no plugins, no limiting, no loudness adjustment, etc.
I do this on every project. All the time.
Can you help me find this fuction or how to use the new MetaNormalizer to achieve this. “Normalizer” means that one should be able not only to limit peak levels but also to raise them to a specific value.
Humm. Indeed, I have added “Equalize Peak Levels” in the Clips section.
And I must say this is an oversight that I did not add “Normalize to Peaks” in the other sections, too.
I will try adding it in a future small update.
Thanks Philippe!
btw, when using “Equalize Peak Levels” in the Clips section (which works fine), there’s no graphical feedback in the waveform showing the level changes. This is very confusing, as the waveform “level” does not correspond to the audio level anymore.
In WL7 (and previous) the waveform “level” changed according to the level change.
all the best
btw, when using “Equalize Peak Levels” in the Clips section (which works fine), there’s no graphical feedback in the waveform showing the level changes. This is very confusing, as the waveform “level” does not correspond to the audio level anymore.
In WL7 (and previous) the waveform “level” changed according to the level change.
all the best
Maybe check again, because this works here. This procedure changes the clip gain value (cf. clip list). Can you see these values changing?
Sorry, my mistake.
When limiting individual clips the waveform changes accordingly and the level difference is shown in the clip list.
However, when limiting peaks using “Audio montage output”, the change is not applied to the waveform and not shown in the clip list. So you can peak limit the audio montage output to -24 dBFS and still see clips with 0 dBFS waveform amplitude…that is confusing as the peakmeter values do not correspond to what you see.
However, when limiting peaks using “Audio montage output”, the change is not applied to the waveform and not shown in the clip list.
This is right. But I am not sure this would be good, from the concept point of view, to change the peak display in the clips (which is the source data), because of some setting (gain reduction) that happens at the very montage output, after the track processing and final mixing.
I can understand that this does not correspond to the concept.
But seeing a waveform peaking at -0dBFS while having an audio output peaking at -24dBFS without any visual feedback or way to modify this reduction (Master output fader is at 0dBFS and clip volume at 0dBFS) is very confusing to me.
One could want to go back to adjusting levels after the limiting and not have any relation to the actual levels anymore.
In previous WL versions there was a clear visual feedback in the reduction of the waveform amplitude of all clips.
I much preferred that.
I just checked with v9.5 and I still can’t find the MetaNormalizer function to properly normalize the montage output to for example 0dBFS, or -9dBFS, etc., as I could do with all WL versions before v8.
That’s the reason I’m still running WL7.
Please do bring this crucial function back to work!
Thank you
Now possible with WaveLab 12.