Percussion Map for Superior Drummer 3

Hello all,
I’m quite new to the Dorico-World (after 15 years working with Sibelius) and I try to find my way preparing all my instruments to work with Dorico.

I made a percussion map for Toontracks Superior Drummer 3 and it actually works quite well, but there is one very strange issue.

I set up different articulations for all the sounds (rim shots for snare and toms, chokes for the cymbals and so on) and they’re all playing correctly when I hit the Play-Button. But when I’m in Write-Mode and select notes with the mouse, fore some of them there is only the “natural”-sound playing, even though the right articulation is displayed above the note. Any idea why this happens?

Welcome to the forum, Christian. There are some situations where there is a mismatch between the playing technique that Dorico chooses for playback and what it is able to work out when auditioning. It’s something that we hope to improve in a future version. I’m sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.

Hello Daniel,
thank you for the reply. I’m glad that it’s not my stupidity that causes this problem. So there’s hope!

One more question:
I didn’t understand the difference of outcome for “replace” and “add” (Playback playing technique in the Percussion Instrument Playing Techniques dialog in Edit Percussion Kit)

Thanks for your help.

The idea there is that when you have an articulation, say, it might add one specific technique without removing all the others. So say you’ve got a technique like “bell” to hit the bell of the cymbal, and then when you add an accent, you can get an extra technique like “ping” (this is all made up nonsense, you understand), so if you have it set to ‘Add’, Dorico will then look for “bell+ping”, whereas if you have it set to ‘Replace’, Dorico will look only for ‘ping’, i.e. ‘bell’ will be removed.

Alright, got it. Thanks again.

Hi Christian ! Would you share your percussion map? I just took advantage of the bundle sale and wondered whether I could spare me that step (creating the percussion map)… Thanks in advance

Hello Marc, yes, of course.
But you have to be a little patient, I’m on vacation right now. Sometime next week I will be back at my computer.

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Hi Christian,

I am also very interested in that percussion map as I own SD 3 also!
Would you be so kind to give me a copy as well when you get back?

Thanks in advance!

Here’s one I made that I’ve been using with reasonable success. You can open the file for reference and/or import the playback template. (481.8 KB)


  • X noteheads for regular articulations (pt.natural)
  • Triangle noteheads for bell articulations (pt.bell)
  • The + playing technique triggers the Mute Hit articulation (pt.closed)
  • The “shank” and “tip” playing techniques trigger the corresponding stick articulations (pt.stickShaft) (pt.stickTip)
  • Ride: “edge” triggers the Edge articulation (pt.rim)
  • Hi-hat: Openness is controlled with a combination of staccato/tenuto articulations, as well as the o and ø playing techniques. (pt.staccato, pt.tenuto, pt.open2, pt.halfOpen). You may wish to manually edit openness with CC4, but you will need to create mappings for MIDI notes 9, 18, 19, and 20, perhaps using a hidden playing technique.


  • Regular noteheads for regular articulations (pt.natural)
  • Slashed noteheads for rimshot (pt.rim)
  • X noteheads for rim only (pt.rimOnly)
  • Snare: Circled noteheads for cross-stick (pt.crossStick)

Thank you Jester! It does work and is exactly what I had in mind, so you’ve saved me quite some time ! Let me know if you’re somewhere near here in France (near Aix-en-Provence), I owe you a beer or a glass of wine :wink:
Basically, the Percussion map in Dorico now follows the indications given by the Core library in Superior Drummer 3 :


Same here! Huge thanks! And again same here: Let me know if you’re somewhere near here in Holland (near Enschede, close to the German border), I owe you a beer or a glass of wine!


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Thanks for the percussion map!

I’m not sure if this is the place to ask but: How do I get Dorico to tell SD3 to switch between brushes and mallets? I’m running SD in VEPro.


Hi Leigh.
If you use Jester’s setup, there are no brushes provided. That’s logical, because (I think) SD3 requires to change the snare instrument to use brushes. So you’d probably need to add another snare instrument, routed to another snare instance in SD3. Or change the whole set to a brushed one (I don’t have the brushes SDX but it looks as an obvious thing to look into). I don’t think the brush/stick choice is already there by default in the SD3 kit (but I might be wrong).

Hi Marc,

In VEPro if I have a brush kit and a separate mallet kit, can I set it up so that when Dorico sees the playing technique “mallets” it will switch to the VEPro “mallet” set and then back to the “brushes” set when it sees the playing technique “brushes”?


I think there’s a program change in the expression map editor that might be used for such thing but… I admit I never had to use this, so not sure it’s the right way to go. Some real expert in that field could chime in and help?

I only need to do this for a mockup so I ended up adding a “mallets only” staff assigned to the mallets set in VEPro. I copied the mallet parts to the new mallet staff, suppressed playback of the mallet parts in the brushes staff and then bounced it. Done!


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Hi all!
I do revive this thread because I’ve been working on this Superior Drummer 3 Core revised, so that every technique available in that library can be played and imported. This means that every technique has to be a main technique. I’ve had to create something like 40 different playing/playback techniques. It’s certainly not suited to notation. But you can import any groove (using the advanced MIDI import) flawlessly.
Those could be added to the main Expression maps thread.

Superior Drummer 3 Core revised.dorico (1.6 MB)

Here’s the file for Roots: Brushes, an add-on library (well, half of it, I haven’t done Sticks yet). Not same drum kit definition, not same perc map…
Superior Drummer 3 Roots Brushes and Tools.dorico (1.5 MB)


Hi Marc, Jester and everyone!

Could anyone put me in the right path to import your Superior Drummer 3 into my project? I am frustrated at the moment.

Thanks a lot!

Superior Drummer 3 Core revised.dorico (1,6 Mo)
Superior Drummer 3 Roots Brushes and Tools.dorico (1,5 Mo)
Superior Drummer 3 Fields of rock Percussion.dorico (654,6 Ko)
Superior Drummer 3 Hitmaker.dorico (2,9 Mo)

I suppose you can build up your own endpoints and playback template from these :wink:


Thank you so much

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