January 16, 2022, 12:01am
Some playing techniques I created in previous versions have changed their appearance/position in a Project when this is opened in Dorico 4. Please look at the pictures.
Dorico 3.5
Dorico 4
Dorico 3.5
Dorico 4
@dspreadbury I’m sending you the project so you can take a look at it.
Thanks in advance.
p.d. Thanks to all in the Dorico Team for such a great piece of software!
Sorry for the inconvenience. This will have the same root cause as the problem shown in this earlier thread:
Firstly, congrats on the awesome upgrade—there’s been some amazing tweaks to the edit tonality system window that will literally cut HOURS out of my work time. Dorico continues to be the absolute best for engraving microtonal scores with fantastic playback. (I also can’t wait to use the new key editor!)
However, there’s been a problem with custom accidentals that contain 3 or more glyphs. Glyphs are stacking on top of one another. It appears there’s an issue with the attachment points; I’m not …
It will be fixed in the first maintenance release.
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January 16, 2022, 12:13am
No problem.
Thanks again.