"Please switch to an Aero theme" on Win 7 (discussion)

Exactly, these incessant attacks from tech gurus on less experienced members is unhelpful to say the least.

AFAIK all threads posted in the Issues subforum must first be passed by the External Mods and then submitted for approval by staff, unless I am missing something in the process.

Ta. And these attacks by “tech gurus” on the “less experienced” don’t seem to make it to the right (IT) department. ie: the Issues section. Which does make one wonder.
It’s getting there I think though. There’s an issue on the go here but so far although I’m up the wrong tree most likely only Techbytes seems to have the right one so far.
It can only be reported and then see what Steinberg judges to be their best way forward. Whether they consider W7 to be “legacy” or not.
You’d think not but stranger things may happen. Times are changing.
Windows 7 + Cubase 6 might be the order of the day. Who can be sure?

In terms of technology, Windows 7 is now legacy because of the way it stores data on modern hard disks.

Cubase 6 is only supported in terms of reply emails from Steinberg, there is no further updates (as is the case with Cubase 7) on any operating system.

Cubase 7.5 is supported in terms of updates, I believe there is a scheduled update in the works but I may be proven wrong (Cubase 7/7.5 runs on Windows 7 natively).

Cubase 8 is the currently supported version running on Windows 7 albeit in quirks mode (Windows 8 runs Cubase 8 natively).

Hope that helps to clarify the situation

Well thats the rub Mate, it is only a problem when not running Aero ( actually desktop composition, WDDM to be more precisely , not MMCSS as I mistakenly typo’ed earlier when my galaxy size IT brain farted… :wink: ) , Steinberg will simply say that it s clearly stated that Aero is required for C8PRO, so there is no issue to report.

Case closed.

My only question to a dev would be why they chose to place the menu’s into the top bar and what other dependencies are there to WDDM. If it is in fact just the top menu bar, then it would seem that a fix could be an option by moving the menus to the traditional added nav bar we are accustomed to, if the other elements require WDDM specifically tho, its dead in the water,

Again , only a dev can answer that , and I don’t like the chances of it being answered. ( well at least not publicly )

One thing is for certain, not in the Lounge will an official comment be forthcoming.

I think we have enough information now from end users to ascertain that an Aero theme is a system requirement for Cubase 8 to run on Windows 7 but whether a Cubase 8 can run on lesser themes is really the question however it would be helpful if someone (maybe you) could post screen shots in regard to the Cubase menus appearing in the Title bar of the application.

Yet it bombs frequently and Cubase 7.5 did not in Windows 7.


Isn’t that only because of a theme change midway through using the (cubase) application?

So anything moved here is essentially no longer considered addressing ? If thats the case, it pretty obvious that Steini don’t want this to be highlighted.

I think we have enough information now from end users to ascertain that an Aero theme is a system requirement for Cubase 8 to run on Windows 7 but whether a Cubase 8 can run on lesser themes is really the question however it would be helpful if someone (maybe you) could post screen shots in regard to the Cubase menus appearing in the Title bar of the application.

The menu’s missing from the top bar is a very obvious omission when switching the themes after C8 has been launched , but we don’t know whether it simply didn’t render correctly to be honest, as it crashes out. Interestingly I noticed that Mozilla apps have the menu’s in the top bar, and I quickly switched between Aero and Basic , and it rendered perfectly , so there is more to it I suspect.

I’ll try and post some snaps up when I get a breath, but to ne honest I think we are beating a dead horse , I seriously doubt Steini could care less. They have their required spec , from past experience, I can’t see them really bending on this. If C8Pro proves to be very problematic on Win7 , this could be very damaging for them.

At the moment I am seeing more grumbles about aesthetics, but if it also emerges that there is instability , this could get very messy.


Carry On.

Who’s fault it is you have to change the theme? Windows 7 is supported very poorly only.

This thread was set up for general discussion only and as the rules for the Issues sub-forum(s) state that topics must be approved; this means the process for logging bug reports/incompatibilities is more rigorous than in times past, which can only benefit all members of the forum community as problems can be canvassed here in an informal manner while those with savvy can discuss the finer points in a methodical and managed fashion.

The menu bar theme is definitely a curiosity. I always look at these anomalies and think that it’s something to do with the programming program / compiler used on the latest build, that and maybe it was done because it could be done (new toy department?). And there maybe someone could tell me what I don’t know about compilers because I am only guessing from a very brief and early brush with programming.
Steinberg are usually pretty good when fixing something serious and the fact that they initiated this thread means that they need input off the end users to see if there’s a problem and to assess how serious it is.

The basic trouble with designing a one-size-fits-all program is somebody won’t play ball and it won’t fit. And maybe sometimes it just doesn’t fit anyone.
Maybe this issue is a sneaky way of getting everyone to upgrade their Windows from 7 to 8 because it might be a more forgiving environment for the programmers in the long run. In which case if the numbers of those with issues is very small it’ll be a case of hard cheese lads, all change.

It’s a beta. They released stuff before it’s done these days then try to fix it before the next version arrives.

So? How is that different to every other piece of software (or product) on the market? The penny farthing bicycle was a “beta”. Stonehenge is still a beta (as we never found the manual).
Yay! Everything’s beta maan! Capitalistas are coming for us! The sky is falling…! (even the sky is a beta. Must be because it’s not always blue and they said it always would be)
Erm, yes. You didn’t HAVE to buy it…
So why not just buy it when the next version arrives? :laughing: :laughing:
I just love the comedy. Well done.
(got to be comedy because you can’t be serious) :mrgreen:

Of course, they didn’t release the penny farthing bicycle with a broken wheel, see?

And gosh, maybe they even offered a return policy. :sunglasses:

But I get the joke. Nobody gotta buy anything. We could certainly all just live under a tree. :confused:

We live in a gadgety world now, with an excessive number of tiny, moving parts. We’re either all IN, or we’re left behind. (you know, like my grandmother?) So, in some sense, we DO have to buy… Surely, there should be some strict standard for what is considered a proper “release canditate” then.

In the interests of one person having a final say, in no sense must anyone buy anything bar the essentials of life relative to their society or civilization.

As for Cubase, version 7 is supported on Windows 8.1 and this is all the developers need to answer.

And, well, Cubase Pro 8…

If one is happy living under a tree and it works you don’t HAVE to move to a new tree. We’ve all got a trail of doorstops where once we said “Ooh! Mummy. Look at that shiny new thing. Gotta have, gotta have…”

And how would we define a “strict standard for a proper release candidate” ? Just the bit that works for ourselves or for everyone?
I see lots of clamour for Cubase updates but very little updating of the end users. Put a faster engine in the car… the bug is that the tyres wear out a lot faster and … “Do those little springs ALWAYS pop out at that speed ?!” and “Gosh! Going round corners is rilly hard work.”
The penny farthing did have a huge bug. The wheels were the gears until they worked out that smaller wheels and a drive chain worked better… then the tyres punctured… then one needed to buy a "puncture repair outfit and a little bag for the spanners… Nothing has a strict standard for a proper release candidate.
Bah! Bloody capitalists! :laughing: Humbug.


Hey man, I need my tree to have some seriously low-hanging fruit - so I can truly do nothing but simply sit back and enjoy.

Nope, Nuh uh… I will not be upgrading from Windows 98. See, it just works. Floppy disk and all… :slight_smile:

Which brings me to my buglist for Cubase Pro 8 on Win98. :slight_smile:

  1. It’s rendering new takes as slow as old, stale molasses. I mean… in between takes, I have to kill time playing a few rounds of HORSE with my neighbor on the basketball court. :confused:

Remember those days? I LOVED that workflow.

Seriously though, you do make a point. Everything is a beta. It’s frustrating. Even my brand of complaining is a beta. I’m finding my fingers on this keyboard move faster than my mental processing. Working on it… This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect better from me though…

What amazes me is that some of us actually make music with Cubase without being ‘High Wizards of the Temple of Technology’.

Ain’t that a wonderful thang :wink: .


Cubase is like that third generation musket. You know it’s got faults and needs improvement but heck. It’s so much better than that old spear I got for Christmas a few years back.