PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

*** update news ***

Hi friends,
there is another major improvement planned for the next update. But I have to try out a few things before I can implement it, because it doesn’t normally work with MIDI Remote, e.g. a new self-learning function.
Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence these days, so it would be good if we could make our FaderPorts also a bit smarter too…
In this case, I want the FaderPort to learn which tracks it has, so that I can build (finish) a new functionality (I call it QuickTracks) that doesn’t exist in Cubase yet, but would be very useful for single-fader controller users, because this function would also compensate some advantages of a multi-fader controller.

I think I can manage this and I have already defined the goal of how those QuickTracks and the learning function (= check all tracks) should be operated. There will be four variable QuickTracks and two fixed ones (first track and last track) that can be controlled globally (from any Mode) with key combinations. For flexible use, there will also be a new function that can be used to lock/unlock the Stop Button function.

In addition, the Send Mode and the Custom Mode will now be globally accessible.

Here is the functional overview of the planned update - of course everything should fit on a single page as usual, so the design has been changed a bit:

fp-wizard_overview.pdf (669.3 KB)

And this is a summary of all 372 functions of the next update:

* 372 functions total 
* 151 functions for each track: 
* equalizer 1..4, gain with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, frequency with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, Q-factor with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, on / off with button 
* compact equalizer 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* handling of EQ parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set EQ parameter to default value with button 
* adjusted default parameter values for EQ bands 1..4 
* restore EQ parameter in default function with button 
* copy EQ parameter value from track to track functionality 
* pregain with knob and LED feedback 
* pregain level LED in 9 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of pregain level LED 
* reset pregain to 0 dB with button 
* restore pregain in reset function with button 
* copy pregain from track to track functionality 
* phase 0° / 180° with LED feedback 
* prefilter bypass on / off with LED feedback 
* summarized switch for prefilter bypass and phase in 4 steps with button 
* prefilter low cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select low cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for low cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* low cut frequency with knob 
* reset low cut frequency with button 
* restore low cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy low cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* prefilter high cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select high cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for high cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* high cut frequency with knob 
* reset high cut frequency with button 
* restore high cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy high cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* send 1..8, level with knob and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact send 1..8 overview with four LEDs in 2 banks 
* fast navigation to sends from anywhere with button combination 
* toggle send bank 1..4 / send bank 5..8 with button 
* handling of send parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore send level in default function with button 
* copy send level value from track to track functionality 
* set all 8 send levels to -oo dB with button combination 
* cue send 1..4, level with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pan with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact cue send 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* set cue send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send level in default function with button 
* copy cue send level value from track to track functionality 
* set cue send pan to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send pan in default function with button 
* copy cue send pan value from track to track functionality 
* set all 4 cue send levels to -oo dB with button combination 
* send level LEDs and cue send level LEDs in 9 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, red, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of send level and cue send level LEDs 
* cue send pan LEDs in 7 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green (center), yellow, orange, orangered 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of cue send pan LEDs 
* Quick Control 1..8 for tracks and plugins with knob 
* Quick Control 1..4 for tracks and plugins with fader 
* simultaneous optimized control of track and focused Quick Controls 
* automatic synchronization of Quick Controls when changing tracks 
* toggle Quick Control value to min / mid / max / old with button 
* functionality for copying Quick Control values from track to track 
* direct link to Channel Editor with button 
* direct link to Instrument Editor with button 
* solo on / off with button 
* mute on / off with button 
* arm on / off with button 
* toggle monitor state on / off with knob-push and LED feedback 
* bypass cue sends on / off with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Gate with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Compressor with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Tools with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Saturator with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Limiter with button 
* compact Channel Strip overview with five LEDs 
* status whether Channel Strip module is loaded with LED feedback 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of all Channel Strip functions 
* write automation on / off with button 
* read automation on / off with button 
* modify pan with optimized grid with knob 
* set pan to center with button 
* set pan to full left with button combination and LED feedback 
* set pan to full right with button combination and LED feedback 
* restore pan in center function with button 
* copy pan value from track to track functionality 
* realtime VU-Meter LED in 10 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, flashing 
* default VU-Meter dB thresholds: -48, -24, -12, -6, -3, -1.5, 0, +1.5, +3 
* VU-Meter peak control with LED and button 
* clipping functionality with reset function 
* volume with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* enable / disable track with button 
* 45 functions for transport: 
* play with button 
* pause with button 
* recording with button 
* stop with button 
* return to last start with button 
* set left locator at cursor position with button combination 
* set right locator at cursor position with button combination 
* return to zero (RTZ) with button combination 
* jump to end of project with button combination 
* jump to left locator with button combination 
* jump to right locator with button combination 
* rewind with button 
* forward with button 
* fast rewind with double speed with button doubleclick 
* fast forward with double speed with button doubleclick 
* scroll left in timeline with button 
* scroll right in timeline with button 
* scroll through timeline left / right with knob 
* toggle Scroll Mode normal / per frame with knob-push and LED feedback 
* GPS (Global Project Scroll) with button and knob-rotate combination 
* GPS possible in Play Mode or with an automatic Stop 
* GPS automatic step sequence adaption 
* GPS available everywhere, even in Custom Mode 
* shuttle play with half speed with button combination 
* shuttle play with double speed with button combination 
* shuttle speed changeable while playing 
* cycle on / off with button 
* click on / off with button 
* modify click level with knob 
* start recording & playback by footswitch 
* stop recording & playback by footswitch 
* punch-in recording by footswitch 
* punch-out recording by footswitch 
* automatic state detection while recording by footswitch 
* set Quick Marker 1..4 at cursor position with button combination 
* jump to Quick Marker 1..4 with button combination 
* toggle lock stop functionality with button combination and LED feedback 
* jump to Quick Marker possible in Play Mode or with an automatic Stop 
* transport functions always directly accessible everywhere 
* 43 functions for navigation and editing: 
* previous track with button 
* next track with button 
* scroll through all tracks with knob without bank restrictions 
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) with button and knob-rotate combination 
* GTS toggle mute track functionality with knob-push combination 
* GTS available everywhere, even in Custom Mode 
* speed optimization within GTS functionality 
* set Quick Track 1..4 with button combination 
* jump to Quick Track 1..4 with button combination 
* jump to first Track with button combination 
* jump to last Track with button combination 
* jump to Quick Track possible in Play Mode or with an automatic Stop 
* horizontal zoom out with knob 
* horizontal zoom full out with knob-push 
* horizontal zoom in with knob 
* vertical standard zoom out with button 
* vertical standard zoom in with button 
* vertical track zoom out with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical track zoom in with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical zoom out of waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* vertical zoom in on waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* go to nearest event left with button 
* go to nearest event right with button 
* scroll through events left / right with knob 
* nudge selected event to left with button 
* nudge selected event to right with button 
* nudge selected event to left / to right with knob 
* go to nearest marker left with button 
* go to nearest marker right with button 
* scroll through markers left / right with knob 
* insert marker at current position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* Markers Window within Marker Mode and Hitpoint Mode with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint left with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint right with button 
* scroll through hitpoints left / right with knob 
* insert marker at hitpoint position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* toggle zoom / scroll with button 
* 133 other functions: 
* check all tracks as a self-learning function with button combination 
* realtime optimization within the self-learning function 
* fully automatic scrolling through all tracks for control purposes 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* modify value under mouse with knob 
* simultaneous use of motorized fader and knob for value under mouse 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with knob-push and LED feedback 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with button and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to min value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to mid value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to max value with button combination and LED feedback 
* special memory functions for value under mouse for to write / read up to 5 values 
* special memory functions for EQ for to write / read up to 5 sets of 20 values 
* single button special memory write / read functions for value under mouse with LED feedback 
* single button special memory write / read functions for EQ for all 20 values with LED feedback 
* modify Control Room master volume with knob 
* set Control Room master volume to 0 dB with button 
* restore Control Room master volume with button 
* Control Room master volume dim functionality 
* global undo with button combination and LED feedback 
* global redo with button combination and LED feedback 
* unsolo all tracks with button 
* unmute all tracks with button 
* arm all audio tracks with button 
* unarm all audio tracks with button 
* toggle read automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle write automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle enable / disable all selected tracks with button 
* select previous quantize preset with button 
* select next quantize preset with button 
* scroll through quantize presets with knob 
* set quantize to 4th with knob-push 
* Quantize Panel within Quantize Mode with button 
* clear performance peaks with button 
* clear all Cubase VU-Meters with button 
* clear FaderPort VU-Meter and FaderPort clipping with button 
* single button summary for all three clear functions 
* enable / disable FaderPort VU-Meter with button combination and LED feedback 
* easy individual setting of the VU-Meter and other parameters in the script 
* value table available with 36 typical dB thresholds for the VU-Meter 
* color steps of the VU-Meter can be deactivated separately 
* 3 footswitch types supported: a soft button (NC and NO) and a hard toggle switch 
* 2 Start Modes adjustable in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete pregain / prefilter functionality in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete cue send functionality in the script 
* easy option to swap the solo button and the mute button in the script 
* easy option to change GTS track functionality to toggle monitor state 
* toggle Motorfader Mode bidirectional / unidirectional with button and LED feedback 
* extra direct Motorfader Mode for sending PitchBend data to MIDI tracks 
* extra +QC1..4 Motorfader Mode for to select Quick Control for fader 
* Quick Controls can be controlled simultaneously with knob and fader 
* fast navigation to Quick Controls from anywhere with button doubleclick 
* remember last Quick Control functionality 
* toggle lock Quick Controls with button an LED feedback 
* within Quick Control Mode: 'hide all / show all plugins' with button 
* within Quick Control Mode: 'toggle through plugins' with button 
* total recall functionality for 'all Quick Controls at once' with button combination 
* automatic preparation for a total recall of all Quick Controls 
* reset functionality for special memory functions with button combination 
* toggle lock / unlock all FaderPort functions with special button / knob-push combination 
* unlock / lock function executable during stop, play and record 
* full bidirectional functionality 
* automation supported for most parameters 
* consideration of the touched fader functionality during automation 
* all functions usable during play and record without realtime problems 
* automatic fader shutdown on close 
* optimized script reloading functionality 
* integrated debugging options to support individual customizations 
* automatic, optimized page mapping 
* optimized button navigation 
* user-tolerant operation for all button combinations 
* ergonomically selected colors for LEDs with orientation support 
* optimized thresholds of LED colors for each parameter 
* integrated automatic midi data traffic reducer 
* direct link51 free assignable custom functions on 3 custom pages 
* switch between custom pages with just one button 
* display the number of the selected custom page with LED feedback 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader in Custom Mode 
* modify value under mouse with knob in Custom Mode 
* all transport functions available in Custom Mode 
* 8 custom default functions as preset 
* hide / show left zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show lower zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show right zone as custom default function with button 
* undo as custom default function with button 
* redo as custom default function with button 
* quick exit from all 3 custom pages as custom default functions with button 
* 43 more free custom functions 
* fast navigation to Custom Mode from anywhere with button combination 
* single-page functional overview & quick reference guide 

Best regards
CKB :innocent: