PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

Hallo community,

please find attached my first version of the midi remote script for the PreSonus FaderPort 2.

Following functionality is implemented now:

  • There are two pages: Main Page and Shift Page
  • Transport section is working in both pages

On the Main Page
Main Page:

  • Fader controls volume of the track
  • Solo/Arm/Mute
  • Bypass not working right now
  • Read/Write automation
  • prev/next steps through tracks
  • Link opens EQ/Channel strip
  • Pan: knob controls pan / knob press for monitor on/off
  • Scroll connects the knob with the value unter your mouse
  • Master should control control room volume (not working)
  • Click activates/deactivates click
  • Section / Marker without function

On Shift Page:
Shift Page:

  • Fader controls value under the mouse
  • other functionalitely not implement right now


  • (Pure) Midi tracks cannot be controlled (don’t know why)
  • Setting color doesn’t work for Link/Pan/Channel/Scroll (don’t know why)
  • No function found for “Clear all Solo/Mute” and “Arm all”
  • Scroll not available yet

Wishes / Ideas / suggestions for improvement welcome.

Happy Eastern

MidiRemote file:
PreSonus_FaderPort.midiremote (4.7 KB)

JavaScript file: (3.8 KB)


Here with a few miner corrections / improvements:


MidiRemote file:
PreSonus_FaderPort.midiremote (8.8 KB)

JavaScript file: (4.0 KB)


Wow you just saved me hours of messing around with this! Do you have a venmo account? PM me so I can make a donation!

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That’s really great stuff! Thanks a lot.

I’m happy that someone out there can use my work!

Here a version with a few updates:

  • You can now also step through midi tracks (Steiberg fix in C12.0.30)
  • Markers, Scroll, Nudge are working now properly
  • Shift/Scroll = Zoom zooms vertically with prev/next buton
  • Preparation for using knob als endless endcoder (not finished yet) (4.5 KB)



Hi all,

I reworked some things on my script and I want to share the changes with you.

Normal Page:

Fader: volume of the selected track

Upper Zone:

  • Solo/Mute/Arm of selected track
  • Bypass Cue Sends
  • Reset of Real Time Peak Meter
  • Read / Write automation

Middle Zone:

  • Opens Channel editor
  • Activate Pan/Channel/Scroll/Section/Master function
  • Knob press activated/deactivates monitor
  • Pan activated: Knob controls pan, Prev/Next is stepping through channels
  • Channel activated: Knob controls value under mouse, Prev/Next is stepping through channels
    (Attention: there is a glich that doesn’t switch back if you directly change from Channel to Scroll/Section/Marker - you need to go to Pan first)
  • Scroll acticated: you can step the cursor left/right with the knob or the prev/next buttons
  • Master activated: you can control the volume of the CR
  • Click: activated / deactivated metronome
  • Section: Nudge event left/right with next/prev button or knob
  • Marker activated: you can step through the markers using the next/prev buttons or the knob

Lower Zone / Transport

  • Play, Loop, Fwd, Rwd, Record

Shift Page

Upper Zone:

  • Solo/Mule/Shift (deactivate)

Middle Zone:

  • Link activated insturment
  • Scroll activates zoom functionality (std): Zoom in / out by using knob or prev/next
  • Channel activates vertical zoom functionality (std): Zoom in / out by using knob or prev/next
  • F1 to F4, Activates 1/2 to 1/16 Q grid

Lower Zone / Transport

  • Play, Loop, Fwd, Rwd, Record

Enjoy the script and please give me feedback if you have suggestions.

Here the downloads:
PreSonus_FaderPort.midiremote (20.6 KB) (5.5 KB)


DUDE! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I didn’t know using the new MIDI Remote feature would allow the motorized fader to work!! Thank you so much! Been trying to get my faderport to properly work with Cubendo for forever (without using banks / mackie control)

What is the javascript file for? I imported the script and everything seems to be working - I think (only played around with it for 5 minutes and had to come post this immediately!)

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Yeah, just wanted to say thanks again haha, it is working perfectly. I have never used my Faderport with Nuendo as I hated having to use Mackie Control and deal with banks. I had no idea you could get motorized faders to work with Midi Remote until I found your script. Really well done!!

Quick question - If I double click on one of the buttons in the Midi Remote section (like one of the faderport buttons) in order to change what that button does, and the Mapping Assistance comes up, all of the mappings are grayed out, as if it is locked and uneditable. Any idea how I can “unlock” it if I wanted to change what one button does? I also noticed that I can’t edit the controller surface (not that I want to at all, you have it set up perfectly), just curious as to why that is happening!

Anyways, thanks again dude, this makes my Nuendo experience a thousand times better getting to use the motorized fader. Which by the way, did you have to do any special programming to get the motorized fader to work correctly? Or did it just work by itself when you assigned it to the selected track’s volume?

Ok, this is just INCREDIBLE! You’ve turned what was my useless FaderPort doorstop into a perfectly functioning device in Cubase! Thank you!!! I’ve been searching for a solution for literally years, I honestly didn’t think the new Midi Remote Manager could do what was needed for the faderport, so I’m beyond excited.

The only thing not working for me is the a bunch of buttons in the middle zone. Pan and the rotary associated with that works, but all others aren’t recognized (master/control room, click etc). Are you running the FaderPort in Cubase mode or another?

I’d love to know what the javascript is for too!

I’m running mine in Studio One mode (also use that DAW) and all the buttons are working as they should. Maybe try that mode, or any mode other than Cubase. Also make sure you don’t have it added as a mackie control device in Cubase setup. I was able to change buttons as well by using the mapping editor (for example I chose when you press in the circular encoder, it adds a marker).


Ah perfect - chaging the faderport to Studio One mode and restarting Cubase fixed it! Thanks :slight_smile: This is great!

Good morning @nogills and @blakus,

It makes me happy that some more people have use for my work. :smiley:
I worked on the script because I was also not 100% happy with the MCU protocol implementation.

You are absolutely right: you need to switch the FaderPort into Studio One Mode. This mode features the best and basic midi implementation to base 3rd party solutions.

Cubase / Nuendo are offering two way for creating midi remote devices. One is the graphical editor and the other is by using Java Script.

Here to links where you can find some basics about the script solution:

My script is written in Java Script because there the posibilities are much bigger. Feel free to use & modify the script or give me feedback what you would change or need.
The current assignment was my own approach to map the current posibilities as best as possible to the control elements of the Faderport.

Unfortunately not all what I wanted to implement is possible with the current implementation inside Cubase / Nuendo. E.g. I found no solution to un-solo all tracks. I will revise the script as soon as Steinberg add some more posibilities here.

Please read my post from the 20th of June for the assignment in the current version. You can also overwrite the assignment by clicking the button on the surface in Cubase or define a function for currently not used control elements. Cubase should remember your modification here. Please not forget to remove you user assignments if you load a new version from me (did cost me a bunch of nerves while development).

best regards


Hey man regarding not being able to un-solo all tracks - I just tested it out and assigning “Deactivate all solo states” to any button on the faderport is working fine for me to un-solo everything!

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Amazing!! This works so great, can’t thank you enough for this! My faderport was collecting dust for a year, being completely useless in Cubase - until now!

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Hello all,

please find attached a updated version of the script.

Thx to nogills I now added the clear all solo & mute funtionality. I overlooked that information in the documentation.

In addition to this I reworked the knob functionality, so that it works now completely like expected. In the initial version there where some gliches (refer my post of 20th of July).

If you have questions or suggestions, please post me. (5.7 KB)
PreSonus_FaderPort.midiremote (20.8 KB)


Awesome, thanks WEM!

Is the best way to update this script just to delete the other one and add this one instead?

I think so. Just delete (or overwrite) the old one. After replacing the script you can eigther restart Cubase or reload scripts by pressing the reload button in the midi remote window/lower zone.
Reloading works fine for me while testing and developing.


Fantastic work. I miss the ability to scroll through the channels with the knob in channel mode, and to add markers by pushing the knob in marker mode. Would that be possible?

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Thx for your feedback.

I did not had the right idea for the scrolling through the channels by using the knob. The 1st approach did not work, because it was unpossible to connect the surface value to a action. I need to retry it with the now implemented new aproach. I’ll have a look at it again and may it works with command binding insteat of action binding.

The idea do use the knob press to add an marker is geat. I’ll try to implement that :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update, WEM! Still smiling every time I fire up Cubase, knowing I can finally use this controller properly :slight_smile: