PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

Thanks CKB

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Hi all,
here is a new update of the script.

As an addition to the two new jump functions

  • If you press + hold the Stop Button and the Rewind Button together at the same time, you jump to the left locator.
  • If you press + hold the Stop Button and the Forward Button together at the same time, you jump to the right locator.

I have implemented this third jump function:

  • If you press + hold the Stop Button and the Rewind + Forward Buttons together (all three Buttons) at the same time, you jump to the end of the project. Here it is necessary that the Stop Button is pressed first.

The zip-file contains the new version of the script (4151 lines) and the new version of the functional overview.

Best regards :innocent:


[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]


Hi all,
here is a new update of the script.

I have now added a shuttle play functionality to the transport section.

If you start the playback with the Play button and keep the Play button pressed, you can

  • switch to half speed with the Rewind button or
  • switch to double speed with the Forward button.

The half speed shuttle play mode is only valid as long as the Rewind button is pressed and the double speed shuttle play mode is only valid as long as the Forward button is pressed.
The Play button must remain pressed the whole time. If the Rewind button is released or the Forward button is released, the speed returns to normal. This behavior corresponds to that of a shuttle functionality with which you could quickly switch between half speed, normal speed and double speed.

This functionality is more relevant for speech, theater, broadcasting and video editing in order to more quickly check specific positions for synchronization while listening. But there are supposed to be also musicians who are curious about how their music would sound, if King Kong or Mickey Mouse sang their song…

The zip-file contains the new version of the script (4212 lines) and the new version of the functional overview.

I hope you like it.
Best regards :innocent:


[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]


Very cool - thanks!

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Thank you very much for this. I just got a Faderport 16 and I assume this script is for the single channel faderport???

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Yes, the script is only for the PreSonus FaderPort V2 (2018) with one motorized fader. Sorry.

[ update news ] - Hi all, I would like to inform you in advance, that I will publish a new major update here within the next few days. - Best regards - CKB -


Dear friends,
here comes the new announced update.

Since the summary of information about this update has become so extensive, I have created a pdf-file (english / german) for it:
[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]

You can find the new version of the script (October 14, 2023) and the new functional overview in this zip-file:
[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]

I hope you will like the update and have fun with it.

Best regards :innocent:


Thanks you for your nice comments below… :grinning:

I am still working on another zoom function.
When I am done with it, it should then work altogether when zooming like this:

only Rotate Knob rotating = horizontal zoom out / in
only Rotate Knob pressed = horizontal zoom full out
only Prev Button pressed = vertical zoom out standard
only Next Button pressed = vertical zoom in standard
Prev Button pressed + Rotate Knob pressed = vertical zoom out of waveform
Next Button pressed + Rotate Knob pressed = vertical zoom in on waveform

The following will be new then, which I am still working on at the moment:
Prev Button or Next Button pressed + Rotate Knob rotating = variable vertical zoom out / in of selected tracks, with which you can enlarge the selected tracks on your screen.

I think if that works, you should be able to zoom without a mouse in most cases.

Answer to the request (Option for to Start with Master Mode) from LluisV:
This is not as easy as it looks, but I will integrate this possibility into the script in such a way that at the beginning of the script then a variable start_with_Master_Mode must only be set to true, so that the script starts with Master Mode. I will deliver this option with the next update in a few days.



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Thank you so much for the outstanding work!!!

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Just a quick comment: maybe it’d be great to add into the zip file instructions to where the file should be stored, so people would know how to properly “install” your script.


C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts\Local\PreSonus\Faderport

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A couple of questions.

  1. When the posts say ‘Presonus V2’, does this mean Presonus Gen2?

  2. I’ve been reading this post only recently and since I don’t currently own a Faderport controller I would be buying one. Regarding the work done first by WEM and now further developed by Christian (CKB), shouldn’t I consider that Steinberg will/has seen the errors of their ways and will now offer their own version of the Faderport (borrowing freely on Christian’s advanced code writing efforts) and then alter the MIDI parameters of their CB program such that the Presonus unit will not work as well as it seems to be working right now?

This would be a shame, of course, but Steinberg/Yamaha is also in the business of selling hardware.

Hi mr.roos,
yes, the PreSonus FaderPort V2 is the current second-generation device with one motorized fader, that has been on the market since 2018.

It is unlikely that Steinberg will now subsequently change the MIDI Remote interface introduced by Steinberg to block certain devices from other manufacturers; in addition, the old in-house CC121 is also supported with it.

The background why Steinberg introduced the MIDI Remote interface in the first place is also, in my opinion, that DAW users who previously bought a DAW from another manufacturer and that manufacturer’s controller (e.g. Studio One and the FaderPort) are still eligible as a target group for crossgrades to Cubase if they can also use their controller under Cubase with the help of MIDI Remote. MIDI Remote is an interesting exclusive selling point for choosing Cubase.

Of course, the fact that third-party scripts can now be written means, that if Steinberg wants to launch a new controller, that controller will have to compete against those scripts. It is uncertain whether Steinberg will even bring its own controller to market because of this. Steinberg did say at one point that they planned to do this, but “now the cards have been virtually reshuffled.”

Certainly, Steinberg earns the most from its software, because the money flows solely from downloads by the buyers.

If you’re not sure, you could wait a few more months, because that’s when Cubase 13 will be launched and then we’ll see what the state of MIDI Remote is. I suspect Steinberg will even introduce improvements to MIDI Remote then.

Best regards
CKB (Christian)


Hi all,
here comes the new update…

The additional extension of the Zoom Mode has worked. Now with the three control elements
Prev Button, Next Button and the Rotate Knob, the 9 most important Zoom functions can be controlled comfortably from the FaderPort with only three fingers.

Currently with this update, the Pan Mode and the CR Volume Mode have been extended, also with the option to start the script within Master Mode. And I also implemented a new function
“lock / unlock FaderPort”. See release notes for details.

Since some participants here may not have noticed the new features of the update from 10/14/2023 including the VU-Meter functionality, the following release notes contain the informations about the update from 10/19/2023 and also from 10/14/2023:
FaderPort_release_notes_20231019.pdf (233.4 KB)

Here the complete zip-file, now also with a setup-file, in case that someone has problems with the installation of the script: (1.0 MB)
Lastest Version of the zip-file: 10/19/2023 - 23:59 MEZ

Best regards :innocent:
CKB (Christian)


Thank you for your thoughts here, Christian. The fine tuning and the added features that you’ve written at various user’s requests is quite incredible! I’m sure Steinberg has noticed.

This said, I will wait for the C13 update to see if Steinberg has changed anything on their end. Hopefully nothing will change that alters the performance of the ‘modified for Cubase’ Faderort. and, at which point, I will buy one and get on board.

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Totally amazing. Over the months I have reduced my dependance on various macros in favour of rhe ease of use provided by your hot wired Faderport setup.
Thanks once again to you and Wem.



I’m very grateful for your and wem essential work.


I work on a musical where many singers have to be recorded for many songs. Usually a singer comes in and we record all his parts on each song. This causes me to open and close different Cubase projects in one session. Many times the Faderport does not initialize properly. The transport and fader keys work but the rest of the buttons don’t. Does anyone know how to force restart the faderport script without removing and re-adding it?
May be I could create a shortcut to “force reload” the script.

Thanks for your kind help.

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Steinberg has not yet implemented that Cubase should always reload the scripts when changing the actual project, but there is a simple solution:

You can define a Key Command in Cubase for this. There is a Key Command category MIDI Remote and there a topic for to reload all scripts.
But with this it is so, that the reload does not automatically do a return to the Main Page of the script, so to be on the safe side you should switch to the Main Page before executing your Key Command.

I just also noticed that such a Key Command only works if the MIDI Remote tab is selected (= open). So Steinberg would have to improve something here as well.