PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

@CKB .
Many thanks for your continued support and persistence with your on-going script updates.

I’ve been looking for a rubber ring for my Faderport v2.
This one looks great. Unfortunately, that seller does not supply to the UK, so it’s back to the drawing board for me sadly.

Now I have found my very best rubber ring, which can be mounted on the rotate knob, so that the rotate knob also becomes a jog wheel. You can find and buy this rubber ring on eBay for less than two euros:
Shop: sound-pressure_feel-the-sound
Productname: Schnelleinbau-Tüllen Durchgangstülle
Specifications: Kabeldurchmesser 18 mm, Bohrlochdurchmesser 22 mm

Hi Myriad77, I have ordered another 5 pieces. If you give me your address in a private message, then I send you this rubber ring for free. Greetings * CKB


Hi! Thanks for the incredible work to make the faderport a better replacement for the CC121! for some reason the script works on my macbook but not on my pc. meaning the buttons under the knob seem to not correspond to functions. Any ideas? i have installed the latest script.

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Any ideas? i have installed the latest script.

Maybe this is the reason: The FaderPort must be operated in Studio One Mode, not in Cubase Mode. (This is a bit confusing). To select the Studio One Mode, switch off the FaderPort (= power off), press and hold the Next button while powering on the FaderPort, wait for the FaderPort’s lights to illuminate, release the Next button and then press the Solo button.

Hi again, interestingly i have tried that already an i uninstalled and reinstalled the faderport profile as well but no luck…:frowning:

Another possibility could be, that your script is not located in the correct file folder…

Here is a new update of the script.

Two functions have been added to the transport section:

  • If you press the Rewind Button and the Stop Button together at the same time, you jump to the left locator.
  • If you press the Forward Button and the Stop Button together at the same time, you jump to the right locator.

The zip-file contains the new version of the script (4112 lines) and the new version of the functional overview.

Best regards :innocent:


[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]


Pan button doesn’t light up with latest script on my PC (win 10 latest, Cubase Pro 12.0.70)
Already tried Cubase uninstall-reinstall but no luck
Installing the first version of script, Pan button light works again and so rotate knob.


Pan button doesn’t light up with latest script on my PC (win 10 latest, Cubase Pro 12.0.70)
Already tried Cubase uninstall-reinstall but no luck

Hi Carlo & other Windows-Users with problems…

? Have you installed the latest UNIVERSAL CONTROL Software from PreSonus, Version
and (with this) set up the Firmware of the FaderPort to v3.74 ?

After that, you have to set up the FaderPort again to the Studio One Mode like this:
To select the Studio One Mode, switch off the FaderPort (= power off), press and hold the Next button while powering on the FaderPort, wait for the FaderPort’s lights to illuminate, release the Next button and then press the Solo button.

Don’t define the FaderPort as a MCU/HUI-Device in Cubase, only copy the File PreSonus_FaderPort.js to the special folder like this:

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote
\Driver Scripts\Local\PreSonus\FaderPort\PreSonus_FaderPort.js
(The path depends on the language of your system.)

Something more, that could help:
Delete all program settings of Cubase per starting Cubase with Ctrl-Alt-Shift to delete all Cubase Preferences.
Delete as far as possible the content of this hidden system folder (not the folder itself):
c:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp
(The path depends on the language of your system.)

Always turn on the FaderPort only after the PC is completely booted. Start Cubase (Version 12.0.70 must be installed) after that.
Always turn off (= power off) the FaderPort before you shut down your system.

Some FaderPorts that are in circulation are said to have hardware problems. In this case the coding of the colors of some LEDs does not work. If this should be the case, in the latest script (13.09.2023) in line 54 the code of the file PreSonus_FaderPort.js must be changed to:
var disable_color_settings = true
However, it is also possible that this problem was fixed with the firmware update v3.74.

If all this still doesn’t help, another question would be whether it works when there are no other midi devices connected to Cubase besides the FaderPort for to find the reason for the problem.

Best regards


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Thank you CKB for quick reply and huge work on script!
My Faderport firmware is 3.74
It’s set to operate as Studio one Mode
Temp folder is empty
Deleted all program settings of Cubase
Modified line 54 in script
but still no luck.
Tomorrow I will try my second PC, quite old, same Cubase version and Faderport script.
I’ll keep you updated

Further up here in the forum you can download a version of the script from July 14. Maybe you could also test if this version works.

I tried the script from 14 July but the result is the same: no Pan light and no Rotate knob working

I sent my device to repair because the knob worked erraticaly. After replacement, everyting works fine.

In any case, I assume that if the July 14 version is already not working for you, it is unlikely that the error is in the script. In Studio One Mode, the Pan LED would at least light up blue when you start Cubase, but it doesn’t light up at all in your case.
I would now reload the firmware v3.74 again, even if it is already installed and then the Studio One Mode again, because this cleans up the internal memory of the FaderPort as much as possible.

If all does not help, you could order a new FaderPort for which you have a right of return and test 1x whether the script runs with it. If you feel bad for the distributor, but this is the only way to troubleshoot, you can reward him if you succeed. Or you send your current FaderPort right back and say that you have problems. Lluís also wrote that his FaderPort was kindly exchanged quickly. Maybe PreSonus is not so strict with the exchange.

It was Amazon who exchanged it as fast as the wind. They sent the replacement before i sent mine back.

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I’ve tried various older scripts.
The last one that works, as far as the Pan button illumination and the rotary knob are concerned, is version 20220813.
All the following ones (it seems to me) don’t work.
Tonight I’ll try Faderport on another PC

I have similar problems even though ive tried everything in the list so far i think…i disable preferences instead of deleting them just to check. Also as i opened the midi remote script it seems that wherever there is a subpage to open it doesn’t work, so middle section buttons don’t respond for me. Strange thing is it works on my mac just not the pc.

On the older PC (Intel 2700K Win 10) Faderport 2 works perfectly.
Now I have to discover why it is not working on my newer PC…

Disabling and re-enabling the script in Midi Remote Manager window make Pan button light up and Rotate knob working as usual.
It seem Cubase remember the operation and, after quitting and launching the program again, Pan button light up and rotate knob still works.

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Great that you find that out, osmizza! :+1: