I’ve been using HOOPUS in the notepeformer playback engine for a little while now with no issues. But now all of a sudden instruments sound awful and almost as if they’re out of tune and the strings sound as if they’re playing almost a weird tremolo sound is the best way I can describe it. I’ve kept both noteperformer and Dorico pro 5 updated and even reinstalled them both. Regular noteperformer and Iconica sketch sound fine it’s when I load HOOPUS is when this happens. What changed all a sudden? Hopefully someone can help me because clearly can work with this.
Weird things do happen from time to time with Dorico / NotePerformer / NPPE and sample libraries.
I’ve not got to the bottom of it, but the best options for me are
Reapply the Noteperformer Playback Template in Dorico (but be careful - this will override mixer settings and assignment of custom expression maps. If you have these, skip this!).
Save out your NPPE settings, shut down and restart NPPE, and reload your template - you can use the autostart template if you want.
Noteperformer staff have gotten back to me on this now, this is a know issue that has been reported since 1.5.3 of Opus where the strings aren’t interacting correctly with NPPE. In the meantime until this is resolved they’ve provided me with a link to drop my Opus back to 1.5.2 and it’s fixed the issue. I’ll paste the link below, they said to make sure that NPPE and any notation software it’s running in are closed before installing.
macOS : https://software.soundsonline.com/Products/OPUS/Opus_1.5.2_Mac.zip
Windows : https://software.soundsonline.com/Products/OPUS/Opus_1.5.2_Win.zip
Fantastic @Archie1 … thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Interesting. Installing an earlier version of OPUS seems to have worked.
Same problem here. Thank you for the workaround!
Many thanks @Archie1 !This downgrade solved the problem with NPPE and Opus Orchestra and also a general problem with Opus that no longer loaded the Bösendorfer piano even standalone or in the DAW. At this point I think the problem is the new version of Opus, which should be solved.
Thanks again!