Problem with recorded events grid behaviour

Hello, I have a problem with events that were multitracked from my hardware sampler not following the grid position. Every time I record a bunch of tracks, they are out of sync and that i try to manually adjust.
But then it appears that there is a white vertical line on audio recording (eg. drum break) that the grid recognizes, instead of following begining of my precisely cut block of waveform. So far I must TURN OFF the GRID in order to insert clip exactly at the beggining of new bar - NOT few miliseconds before. Is there a way to turn this record point off and stick to normal grid-by-event-begining?


The white line is the snap point, and you can move it:

I don’t actually know whether you can disable it, but you can move it to the start of the event:
Select Event
Transport->Set Project Cursor Position->Locate Select Start
Audio->Snap Point to Cursor

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Yes when you record audio, the snap point is automatically set on the first bar it comes across, but there are currently some issues with the Snap Point, including this one where the audio slightly moves backwards.

I was quite sure there was a more precise topic for it but I can’t find it anymore.
Now I’ve found it it ! It was really down my bookmarks, I couldn’t find it with the search feature :sweat_smile:

Basically, when you record, the Snap Point for the created Event is automatically placed on the first beat. For example, when you start recording at 3.3, the Snap Point will be placed at 4.0, assuming that you record with the click so the audio is aligned already. If the ruler is set to other units like Seconds (or I can be wrong, maybe it’s only when you record with Linear Time Base, not just switching to Seconds), then the Snap Point is placed on the first second it crosses.

It does the same thing when rendering and exporting. If the Snap Point is at the Event Start (and not at any custom location), then it will put it on the first main grid increment, so that the Event snaps into correct position.
crosses. Right, for now everything’s okay.

However with this bug, depending on the Snap Point AND the Locators position, then the Snap Point can shift to the right upon rendering, and when importing the Event back, it doesn’t snap at the right place. Well, at least the Snap Point does snap to the grid properly, but isn’t aligned with the audio.

Hi kann Mir jemand Helfen uzw. Ich nutze Cubase 10.5 Vol. Zurzeit habe Ich dass Problem dass Midi Noten zwar aufgezeichnet werden bei rec. aber sobald, Ich auf Stop drücke löscht Cubase die Erste gespielte Note wieder, mir ist aufgefallen dass Cubase irgendwie vor 0 auf nimmt ! Wie bekomme Ich dass wieder hin dass es wieder korrekt eingestellt ist !?[quote=“malertom899, post:6, topic:789487, full:true”]
Hi kann Mir jemand Helfen uzw. Ich nutze Cubase 10.5 Vol. Zurzeit habe Ich dass Problem dass Midi Noten zwar aufgezeichnet werden bei rec. aber sobald, Ich auf Stop drücke löscht Cubase die Erste gespielte Note wieder, mir ist aufgefallen dass Cubase irgendwie vor 0 auf nimmt ! Wie bekomme Ich dass wieder hin dass es wieder korrekt eingestellt ist !?

Ich weis Nicht wie man es ändern kann, dieser Graue Strich oben siehe pfeil ab da nimmt Cubase Midi Daten auf ! Anstatt wie normal am Linken Locator Punkt! Wo finde Ich die einstellung um dieses Problem zu beseitigen Schreibt Mir gerne auch per Instagram unter #Landhausbeatz