Problem with text not displayed correctly, one screen retina and the orther is not

Hi, I have a problem, both in Cubase 13 and Nuendo 13. I am on a mac with a studio display (5k) and one other screen in 1920x1200 resolution. The fonts of some texts of the Gui are not displayed properly on the Studio display… if I move the window on the other screen, it is displayed correctly.
Is there a workaround?

… it is somewhat anoying…

nobody ??


This has been discussed on Cubase forum few times already. Please, try to search for it.

One of the threads is here. You can also find the links to the other there.

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Have you tried checking or unchecking the Dpi setting or whatever it’s called under Preferences—>General?

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I will try that, but it is a problem that is here from years… and as there is text that is fine it seems not that hard to fix…. weird something like that persist… Coming from Cubase to Nuendo… I didn’t thought there was the same issue on Nuendo too…