This is an existential question for hundreds of users who work with MIDI Remote and the FaderPort and urgently need to go back from Cubase 13.0.50 to Cubase 13.0.41. They can’t produce any more. There is not enough time to find the cause where Steinberg has broken its own code.
That’s why we are asking for a link! Because we can’t find it, and we need it urgently to use the software we have paid good money for! We can’t wait for months for an update that presumably will break all kinds of other things!
I’ve done it yesterday, the faderport with the @CKB script is tremendously useful for me.
I have a lot of routines that are easier with it.
I decided to have one computer with 13.0.50 and 13.0.41 the other.
I can add more issues around midi remote.
I need to add the midi controller each time I open the project. Nuendo forgets it.
When I add a midi controller the activation delays more than double time . In fact everyting is slow. The device reacts with a small delay.
Here is a similar threads. Is it the same, what you are experiencing?
What do you mean by this, please? Do you mean, when you add s MIDI Remote Device? And what do you mean by activation? Do you mean having two projects open and switching which one is active?
When I click add driver the time from activating it to it showing up is more than twice as long as it was with version 41.
I have only one project loaded in Nuendo.
And yes, the other error I have reported is that if I save and close the project and open it again the midi controller is no longer there and I have to configure it again.
I think I’m still on a much older version. It’s currently stable on my system and I always fear updating because of the problems posted on here.
Thank you posting this link… I can try the latest version with a little more confidence.