Remove C7 after installing C7.5

Is it ok to remove Cubase7 after installing 7.5?
Will this leave the content that was installed in 7, or is this all included in the 7.5 install?


Why bother? The application alone doesn’t take much space. I still even have 6.5 on my c: drive.

I’d also like to know if it is ok to uninstall C7 after updating. The reason I would bother is one of the systems I have C7 installed on is a Surface Pro with 128GB SSD. I don’t want to waste any space there. But I don’t want to loose content either.

Why bother? The application alone doesn’t take much space.

I agree.

Don’t do it if you don’t have to. You may find that some preferences or saved utility presets may differ on C7.5 from what you had set on C7. Being able to open both gives you the ability to compare and fix those things, that would be impossible if you chucked C7.

Well, it’s all adding up, I have 6.5, 7 and 7.5 now. Just want to keep things tidy (and tiny) on my SSD.

I didn’t use 7 yet actualy, only bought it a few weeks ago, but I was still working on a project in 6.5 then.

I do want to keep 6.5 for my older projects, just in case.


Might need to copy Retrologue and Padshop plugs to C7.5 folders before doing so.

I uninstalled 7.0.5 without any problems.




if you just remove the Cubase 7 application, you should be alright. The content and plugins are stored somewhere else.
