Return to Start Position on Stop

I reset the setup folder of Nuendo 13 and then the cursor still returns at the place it was before when stop. I use to work that it stop in place
Normally there is a box to uncheck. did we forget to put it ???
I can’t find it and in the instructions they don’t specify anything.
Just say in the Start Menu :

Return to Start Position on Stop
If activated, the project cursor returns to its start position when playback is stopped.

I’m going crazy. I did that so many time in preferences and I can’t find it anymore.
Could you help ?
Thanks Olivier

It’s in the Transport Menu now.

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Thank you Steve but I checked the transport menu many times and I didn’t find it. I’m on Nuendo 13. Can you please show me?

Return to Start Position on Stop

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Thanks Steve, it’s resolved.
I try to clock and it was still at the same position, I don’t know why, and now it works ! Now I see that we can stop and back on previous location when Stop with "0’ twice :slight_smile:
Thanks again

In my opinion the original behavior should be the default. This jumping back on stop is more of a Protools thing and one of the things that annoys me about it

I set up a key command for this and it only works half of the time. The other half I have to uncheck/check the “Return to Start…” at the bottom of the menu. Anyone else experience this?

Yes I have the same issiue. I have to toggle it to get it to work.

I have to select - Return to start position on stop.
And then select Retur to project cursor position in order to that function to work

Thank you! Thought it was just me. Hope they solve this by next update.

Anyone have any luck with this? The behaviour seems to be quite random to me. The preference is set to start from cursor position via the Transport menu, and I can’t find anything in preferences or key commands that might be fighting with this. When I first fire it up it seems to follow this correctly, but then then randomly it moves to going back to one of the other available start positions each time. I’ve checked and unchecked this in the transport menu which sometimes works but nothing I do seems to concretise the behaviour I want. I did wonder if using the spacebar may be an issue rather than enter and 0. But both these end up loosing the pause type workflow fairly quickly. Any help gratefully appreciated. I’m on Nuendo 13 ,Wndows 11 , use streamdeck, a Panorama P1, touch OSC and had beans and a poached egg for breakfast.

Are you looking for this? Sorry in German. Uncheck “Bei Stop zur Startposition zurückspringen”, which means “Jump back to start position at stop”.

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Thanks bigsoundsgood (great name) But I do have that already sadly :frowning:

Strange, maybe a Windows thing. Mac for me.

Yes, it happens here (on Windows). It’ll work most of the time but then I’ll hit stop and the cursor will end up where I don’t want it. When I’m editing this behaviour drives me crazy.

Remember if you (accidentally) hit 0 (num pad) twice, curser will return to start position… Maybe you fat fingered a double 0?

No it’s definitely not a pebcak issue.

Hmmm. Do you have a key command assigned to the “return to start position” function?

No. I don’t have any key codes that might accidentally flip it back. The only setting I have is as shown in the screen shot. I think this is a temperamental setting as I do a lot of stop starting and nudging when spotting for hard SFX and music cues. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t.

when it “switches” to the wrong behavior does the transport menu “start mode” check mark change too?

Hi Gravely - no it always remains as per the screenshot. Nothing changes