I reset the setup folder of Nuendo 13 and then the cursor still returns at the place it was before when stop. I use to work that it stop in place
Normally there is a box to uncheck. did we forget to put it ???
I can’t find it and in the instructions they don’t specify anything.
Just say in the Start Menu :
Return to Start Position on Stop If activated, the project cursor returns to its start position when playback is stopped.
I’m going crazy. I did that so many time in preferences and I can’t find it anymore.
Could you help ?
Thanks Olivier
Thanks Steve, it’s resolved.
I try to clock and it was still at the same position, I don’t know why, and now it works ! Now I see that we can stop and back on previous location when Stop with "0’ twice
Thanks again
In my opinion the original behavior should be the default. This jumping back on stop is more of a Protools thing and one of the things that annoys me about it
I set up a key command for this and it only works half of the time. The other half I have to uncheck/check the “Return to Start…” at the bottom of the menu. Anyone else experience this?