Rhythmic Notation

There was something called rhythmic notation in Finale, where you could take a section with rhythms and with rhythmic notation it would give it a different look and the notes would be bigger and that was done automatically.
Is there a way to do that in Dorico?
Like this.

Yes, see here:How to shut off rhythm slashes - #13 by YourMusic.Pro

I figured it out :

To create rhythmic notation in Dorico (equivalent to Finale’s rhythmic notation), you have two options:

1-Use the keyboard shortcut: Shift + Option + V
2-Find it in the Write menu under “Create Slash Voice”

This will create what Dorico calls a “slash voice” which is equivalent to rhythmic notation in Finale. Note that this is different from Finale’s slash notation (which shows diagonal lines on every quarter note).
To use it:

Go to Write mode
Use the shortcut Shift + Option + V (or use the Write menu)
Then write your rhythms and they will appear as rhythmic notation

Yay :star_struck:!
And in my above post, under point 3., there’s even the notation you know and love from Finale, which is called a “Slash region”!