I’m using the ASPIK Framework for my plugins so last week I’ve updated vst3 SDK and VSTGUI4.12. I never had this issue before.
Everything works so far so good on Mac with all DAWs,
So I finished everything on Mac then import those projects into Windows machine,
Installed vst3 SDK 3.7.7 and VSTGUI 4.12, compiled everything so far,
cMake successfully create my projects as expected,
I compiled all of my projects in VS 19,
Validator checked the plugin without any issue,
I can load all plugins on Cubase or any other host,
Expected any faders or Vu meters showing up,
All knobs are there and also my plug-in works but no fader or vu meter showing up
Anyway, on mac V3.7.7&VSTGUI4.12 work but not on Windows so I installed vst3 SDK 3.7.4&VSTGUI4.10 and everything works again…
But I couldn’t understand what happening? why everything works on Mac but not on Windows?
If you have any advice please let me know what should be the issue…
Can you post screenshots from your plug-in (Windows and macOS)? This may give us a clue what has happened. And please post information about the Windows version.
Hi Arne,
Due the NDA I can’t share the screen. Could you please send me an email address that I can send you a short email ?
Btw, I’m on Windows 11 and believe me I tried everything I tried on two different PCs and I can reproduce the same issue.
The missing faders and Vu Meters are verticals so maybe something wrong with that but I have no idea how to find the fix. I also tried to use another VU Meter(vertical) but got the same result.
Hi @Jandoste , I checked your PM and I’m out of ideas why this happens. Maybe an incompatibility with the ASPIK framework, I don’t know. Did you get any suspicious debug output when opening your editor?
Hi Arne,
I’m still having the trouble with my vst3 plug-ins on Windows. I’ve checked and updated the latest ASPIK framework so everything should work as expect but some png files are missing in VST editor. I’ve located all missing .png files in the Editor & plugin.uidesc but nothing worked. On mac everything works so far but on Windows side I’m still getting this issue.
I believe that maybe Windows OS sees those files as vulnerabilities files? Because those missing .png files are look like unreadable.
Any advice?
I would appreciate if you could provide me with some information.
The only thing I can think of is that you can check to store the bitmaps in the uidesc file. I don’t know if this is possible with the ASPIK framework. Otherwise debugging should give you an idea what goes wrong.
If the ASPIK framework is using the dll format and .rc file to load your images on Windows, there is a longtime bug that I have described to @Arne_Scheffler and that has still not been fixed as of 3.7.7 and could be causing the issue.
I am not sure if that is the problem, but wanted to point it out…
Thanks Arne.
Yes, It’s possible to check bitmaps with the ASPIK framework. I’ve checked and everything was there. So when I load the UI Editor I can see all imported .png files but some of them not readable so I can’t use those files. It’s look like they are empty. I also have all of them in the .uidesc file.
I can debug the project without any issue but when I load it in Cubase so those bitmaps are missing.
Hi there,
I guess that’s my issue too. I’ve tried everything but nothing helped me. The same project works so far on Mac but on Windows I can’t get load the plug-in as expected; some .png files are missing and I don’t understand why it works on Mac but why not on Windows? Everything work by using vst3_sdk 3.7.4 but it’s impossible get it work with 3.7.7 @pongasoft how did you fix this issue? could you please let me know?
OK, I think you need to debug this. Please check if the bitmap is created from the data here.
And if not check why!
If it is created, then check if drawing fails here.
Hi Arne,
I’ve tried and all bitmaps data created from data but still having the same issue.
I lost my mind due as I’ve tried everything so I have no idea how it should be possible to have this issue only on Windows. everything works on Mac but not on Windows
the .uidesc file has everything but the editor doesn’t see my imported png files as other files.
Maybe I’ve used height-of-one-image=“257” ? is there any limit of max size?
or maybe the expat library is having trouble with my .uidesc file?
or windows 11 admin privileges makes mu life hard?
Anyway I never had this issue before.
as I lost my mind (completely) so I don’t know how to fix this issue…
Everything works so far with the 3.7.4&VSTGUI4.10 but why I’m having this issue within 3.7.7 VSTGUI 4.12.2?
Thanks Arne.