apologies if there is an obvious solution to this, but I can’t seem to find it in the manual.
Is there any way to search for a specific word in the mediabay? for example, if i want to search for ‘ice’ in my sound effects, but don’t want to have to wade through a thousand sound effects that contain words like ‘office’, ‘police’, ‘slice’ etc. so i guess i need some modifier that searches for ‘ice’ as a separate word.
Or perhaps padding with a space before or after would work? This way you don’t have to operate elsewhere, but you would need to do the search twice to see all matches (in two batches).
I’d love for MediaBay to have an option to search by regular expressions! That would make your search very easy indeed.
thanks for the suggestion, but this seems to only return results that are an exact match, so searching for ‘ice’ will not identify a sound effect called ‘crushing ice’ or ‘ice pick’.
i’m sure that previous versions of media bay were able to do this, or am i just thinking of pro tools?
also, fredo, thanks for your suggestion but, as lydiot says, i don’t think this actually filters out the unwanted words.
Hmmm … I see. Got a point.
I however do not agree that the function should be changed.
What if we could add a space before or after the word?
"Wind "
That would give us the best of both worlds …
Whatever is “standard” in search engines. I seem to recall Google previously allowing “” to ensure you only got what was in quotes, and nothing outside, and I think some search engines default to [space] meaning either [and] or [or] rather than only a word.
In short, intuitively speaking I think space to many would mean “or” or “and” because that’s how we type text generally. So I would prefer “”. It would also allow us to write things like;
“wind” forest
and get any hit on “wind” and “forest” but no “window” etc. We’d use both “” for making the word exclusively short and [space] to add a second search term.
But whatever is most prevalent is fine by me, or what most users prefer. The function is more important than which character to use in my opinion.
EDIT: I just checked and in MediaBay [space] seems to equal a boolean [+].