Show/hide automation inverted on multi-out vst's

Hi all!

I love the show/hide automation function for normal track operations but on my vst using multi-outputs…
Clicking hide all automation actually reveals the output lanes
Clicking show all automation actually hides them.

How is this helpful and what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Anyone? I can’t be the only one who has noticed this.

Just tested it and seems to more or less work as expected, here. I say ‘more or less’ because it’s actually rather confusing…

Using an instrument track with HSE3 configured as having two different outputs :

  • Show automation (header track icon) shows both outputs
  • Hide automation (header track icon) hide them.
  • Show/Hide automation (Right-click menu) : same behaviors.

BUT… Using Hide all automation actually shows the outputs (or keep them displayed). I guess that this is because the output lanes, even if displayed like automation ones are actually more than that : they are linked to an audio stream (a given output of the multitimbral synth - there is an Edit channel button appearing with the default track control settings).

So, what could seems strange at first can’t be truely considered as a bug, IMO. The whole thing is consistent, as pure automation lanes are actually hidden when needed : this is checkable, adding in example an automation lane to one of the multi instrument outputs . The Show all used automation command behavior can also be explained in the same way, I think.

Overall, yes, there is a rather confusing implementation of the commands related to automation lanes vs outputs ones, but it is consistent, somehow, as true automation lanes behave as expected. Usually, I never use the Hide all/Show all commands, from which I never noticed it until now, I admit… :thinking:

Thanks for the reply. I don’t think clicking on ‘close all automation’ should be opening something else. That’s just not what I’m going for when I click on that.

It’s definitely a confusing implementation and one I’ll have to work around. I’ll train myself not to rely on that feature I guess.

@cubic13 it rather is a “bug”, because if you click “hide automation” on one instruments track, it will close multi-output tracks as we want - but Cubase opens them with “hide all automation”

@Delphi I have a workaround for this, maybe it will be usable for you too (just needed to remake it with Cubase 12 - thus why I was searching for the solution here first:P).

In the panel automation I checked “Used Only” (I don’t want to see unused automations either way). I don’t use any Cubase EQ automation (only EQ in the inserts) so when I’ll click show EQ automation it works exactly as I want and it hides all the automations - including instruments multi-outputs. On my metasystem I have it labeled as “Hide All automation” - it was so convincing I forgot it worked that way and was surprised to see a lot of EQs :stuck_out_tongue: - who knows maybe I’ll help myself with this answer in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

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And to make it even more funny, with show all automation it’s not showing the automations on the outputs tracks, nor the outputtracks

It is a bummer with episodes, conforming and any fast (like you need to make something done and sent in 30 minutes) workflow with bigger projects/templates.

Brilliant! This was drivin me crazy

I posted this bug report earlier for Cubase 12. In the thread, Martin claims this issue was partially fixed(?).
There’s a brief step-by-step in the post that highlights some of the oddities with showing/hiding automation for Instrument Tracks with multiple outputs enabled.