I am looking for a single-channel (ONE fader only) DAW controller and therefore I am interested in recommendations.
I am modest - I only need (if there are more features, it’s nice of course):
a volume fader
a Solo and a Mute button
two buttons to move to the next/previous track in the DAW
On the other hand, I am also demanding:
I just want to plug-and-play, meaning: no setup needed, no manual mappings needed, no scripting needed (or using scripts from other helpful/genius developers)
I want to be sure, that the controller also still works two main Cubase versions later
I want the controller to alway represent the currently selected track in Cubase
I want Cubase to change the selected track when I use the change-track buttons on that controller
In theory, not too much of requirement.
But reading through the internet and through this forum, it seems like there is no such product.
I checked on CC121, which sounded quite good, but you cannot buy it anymore. And there are others, Presonus (great script offered, but keeps two developers and a big usership busy), X-Touch, and others.
And if the device has more features/buttons, it would be nice to have all of them work. In most cases, I read something like: …“without scripting, only 5 of the 17 buttons do work with Cubase…”
I want to do music, not become a tech expert here.
Hi, I don’t think there’s something like really plug-and-play. I mean, a vendor may provide a setup file, or a user a script, or (and this is a very frequent case) the device may support HUI and/or MCU modes. Even in this latter case, you have to go to the Setup window of Cubase and choose the proper mode from the list to add it to your devices with the proper ports.
Not accurate. Most functionality can be implemented using the mapping assistant, especially the ones you mention. Scripting covers some more complicated cases, for example dual functionality of knobs, sending alphanumeric feedback to the controller, and then some more exotic stuff, none of which seems to be one you should bother, from what I see you’re after
I cannot suggest any device of this type, since I only use midi keyboards, so I don’t have experience on these ones, just wanted to clarify to not expect something really-really plug-and-play.
So, adjusting my requirements in some way to what might be realistic:
I buy a product
I select HUI or MCU
I test the buttons, and for those which do not do anything, I try to assign a function via a mapping, which I can configure without haveing to script something (I do not need dual funcationality, data feedback, etc.).
but I want the motor fader to show the current track volume when I change the track - without a custom script.
Any suggestion, anyone? (m.c. mentioned, that he cannot comment on hardware)
Someone who has such a device working and is satisfied with it?
I checked this additional channel, and the Youtube video linked there (this link) convinced me. This sounds so much more mature than lots of other devices (when considering the status regarding Cubase Integration): Nektar Panorama CS12 Full Cubase Integration is here!
And on top of my few real requirements, there is so much more functioning out-of-the-box.
What also impressed me: the interest, commitment and short response times of @Tim_Chandler in the above topic thread, and the one linked by @AlanP earlier in this topic thread.