Cubase 9.5 was a huge improvement in terms of workflow for automation. But I’d love to have something like a hybrid between the click/mouse/main and range tools, especially if you could single click even on top of a clip to locate the cursor without having to hold down shift+alt. Similar to what Pro Tools and S1 have.
+1!!! I hate clicking in the upper half of the tiny bar on top just to postition the cursor. It´s such a waste of time. I also get cramps in my mouse hand after a while because it´s such a small space.
I agree. This is one of the the features I really miss, since I switched from Pro Tools. Audio editing in Cubase could definitely benefit from some improvements.
+1. Requested for years, and not implemented yet. This would make such a major difference in speed and workflow for those who use it. Most DAWs have it, for a very good reason.
Would like to have the same behavior like in Pro Tools - without switching tools…
- 1 !!!
- 1
No need for this at all, what we need is more loops or wiz bang things. Why would you improve speed of the DAW?
Remember, if you DONT ask for it may show up
+1 Assignable mouse modifiers for different contexts like in REAPER.
A simple Grab+Range tool (like in Pro Tools or Studio One) would be more than enough as a starting point, but I do have to agree, that Reaper puts other DAWs to shame in this aspect:
+1, I’ve always wondered why don’t we have such a cool feature like this yet…