How to do when the start screen of Cubase Ic says it doesn’t find my Mac, sitting beside with a Cubase 13 pro project open ?
I tried to enter the computer Ip, no result
Welcome to the Forum.
Did you install Steinberg SKI Remote on your Mac? If not have a look at this support article
Thanks for your message, and thanks for your instant reply @JuergenP!
In addition, please have a look if our troubleshooting article helps to resolve the issue:
Hope it will…
Thank you Jurgen,
I did the ski remote installation again, and found the same request from cubase Ic about giving the computer Ip.
BUT I finally found it by chance in the studio settings window about ski remote. No explanation about this mysterious Ip, I saw the numbers suite, I tried to copy it at any chance and it worked…
problem solved
Thank you for your updated reply. We are glad to read that you’ve been able to successfully connect Cubase iC Pro with Cubase!