Some suggestions on Cubase 14's music score function

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1: It was so convenient to add keys before, but now I can only raise or lower them one by one. Can I still use the original method to add keys? 2: In many cases, the default minimum note value of Cubase is 16th notes, but in fact, rap music and percussion music are almost 32nd notes now. I hope it can be 32nd notes by default. Third, we usually use rhythm notation to record rap music scores. I hope that if we use the same note to represent the rhythm, we can convert it into rhythm notation in the score with one click. How perfect it would be.


  1. Could you be more specific, please? Could you maybe attach a screenshot?
  2. You can change the Display Quantize to 1/32.

13 posts were split to a new topic: Slash notation

Here are two pictures of adding music keys. You can compare the new models. In addition to being beautiful, they also reduce the efficiency.

This place should allow users to set it once as the default, otherwise it will be meaningless because if I have tested it before and it is not set to 32nd notes, then it will cause the exported XML to show two identical 16th notes of the first degree interval


This is Cubase 13. In Cubase 14 it looks like this: