Zoom behaviour is frustrating : when playing just long enough that the arranger window moves to the next position, then pressing stop twice to rewind back, it will often move the arranger window time position so that the playhead is at the right of the screen… then when playing again, the whole screen then moves again … erratic.
What needs to happen is always give priority to the left of the screen as time goes towards the right. I would say on rewind, give only 10% of the window width to the left position of the playhead and the rest to the right.
When opening a project, there should be 2 views situation:
zoom out to view all items in the arrange window
keep zoom as when the project was closed
Make one option the default but allow users to choose which one they want in preferences. Nobody wants to open a project and see a massively zoomed out view with mostly empty space.
Make the Link Project and Lower Zone Editor Cursors function available for audio, for now only available for MIDI.
Please correct me if I am doing something wrong or missing a feature.
Thanks everyone and happy Cubase-ing !
Works like this for me i.e. playhead is at the left of the screen
Indeed there is an option for this on preferences if I remember correctly so it keeps the project at the zoom state that was last saved.
there is an option on lower right zoom slider by clicking the arrow and select “zoom tracks full” or something like this. I 've added a shortcut key for this one making my life easy.
If you can’t find them let me know and I 'll post some ss later when am on studio
Trying to find this one to help you, but it doesn’t seem to be on preferences.
I can clearly remember giving me the options to “open projects in last used view” (for any project) , just can’t recall where.
This is the unfortunate reality of Steinberg DAW software, and nowhere has it been acknowledged by anyone in officialdom. All I have had when talking about Zoom and Autoscroll is naysaying and denial that there is actually a problem at all, to which I can only respond that if you use the software enough you would be able to see and if you can’t then you aren’t…
…anyway, lately Zoom increments/decrements are working a great deal better with V13, than in times past, for this I am grateful, but the situation is as described, I just think we need to keep on describing so that those who develop but do not necessarily use the software every day, to try and consider how features interact, and why this and being able to turn off Autoscroll, from suspend must be looked at and implemented in a wholly complete and functional manner, without any unpredictable behaviour, as is now currently the case, at least in V13.
Yes you’re right, it does. But for me it is zoom dependent.
When I zoom in enough it behaves the way you say.
And FWIW I don’t use the stop twice or zero as you describe, I’ve set it to auto return to start position. Maybe this one makes your life a little bit easier if you didn’t know about it. Will not solve the problem you describe but I mention it just in case you missed it.
Well I thought it would be helpful to make a screen capture video to show the problem. Here it is.
Not a dealbreaker, just a small annoying issue that the screen goes back putting the playhead to the right as opposed to the left, when zoomed in fairly close.
Hi again, yes I saw this feature some years ago, but never fell in love with it, because I guess I just like to stop where I stop haha ! But thanks again
You know it’s one of those workflow things, I did write feedback about C14, I really don’t want new plugins, we all have way too many compressors and reverbs etc…
I just want really smooth smart workflow !
This is one of my chief frustrations with Cubase (I don’t have 14 yet but assume it has not been fixed). Whoever thought that auto-positioning the playhead on the right of the screen must be close to brain dead (well, at very least they clearly don’t use their own software). I have to keep auto-scroll off to avoid this maddening behavior. I wrote a post a few months ago elaborating on why things should be improved, but sadly got no other posters commenting on the problem.
I fixed that for you
I can tell you are also a long time Cubase user.
It’s improving though, I’m happy I upgraded to 14, but I do keep a file on my computer with notes on issues and requests
I wrote a topic, in the Nuendo forum and got some communication on the issue but nothing has changed since, and as I described it, the situation is, as you have pointed out, to do with Autoscroll and Zoom.
My particular issue, however, was in relation to the Suspend sub-function of the Autoscroll feature, and how it cannot be turned off from the suspended state.
In addition, I also commented in relation to Zoom but as of the last or latest update to N13, the situation has vastly improved so I believe there is hope but that users must stay vigilant and support appropriate prioritisation of feature improvements so that long term, the applications are as you say, smooth and smart in their workflow.
I am finding that pulling down on the timeline, does not always produce a predictable result, unlike in times past but I am not sure in which version and when it had begun.
Lately, I am also finding the context menu toolbar, is not responding to input in the way that it has in the past and I think it has something to do with the OS because there were places where it was happening as well, of course in Windows.
Moreover, Global Tracks are less accessible now, with the Visibility options in the Key Editor, of which will need to be refined over time.
Whatever happened to Colours, in the project page for parts, I have no idea as well so on the usability and accessibility front, bit of a failure thus far but software functions, of the DAW itself are solid, as per expectations, in particular regarding the project unloader.
Here is an analogy to explain the issue, if the rearview mirror took half of the windshield space, driving would be difficult.
Same with the zoom, so much space dedicated to the rear of the playhead is wasted and very annoying.
Please Steinberg make a better ratio based on screen width, maybe a 1/10 left to right ratio.
Not just on stop twice to rewind, but also on the zoom in out keys (g+h). All window movements and zoom behaviours tied to this principle, time goes towards the right so more space dedicated to the right.