SpectraLayers 11?

Hello, does anybody know when the grace period started? I bought SpectraLayers Pro 10 las 23rd of April.

The grace period started with the sales action on May 16th.

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ok, thank you for the information. Iā€™ll have to see if it is worth it.

So sounds like anyone who bought it at the recent 40% sale price are included. I bought it the day the sale started. Great product!

Good news:
SpectraLayers 11 World Premiere (youtube.com)


Hopefully the interface will be given an overhaul.

Just curious, but what is wrong with the GUI?
I think itā€™s nicely laid out and easy to use


Cool, will see what new.
(Current UI is ok as for me, would like to see some new stuff\tools\modes for experiments.)

Currently on SL 7, really considering the offer, since I really like this software and the workflow with cubase.
Iā€™m certain this is not the place to do this (Iā€™ll try and find a place for feature requests), but I would LOVE for SL to be able to export the spectrograms as high quality images.
The visual rendering of the software is really useful information, not to mention quite beautiful, and since SL can clearly handle visual manipulations in high resolution monitors, Iā€™m guessing saving the visual result as a separate file shouldnā€™t be that hard.
Iā€™ve seen many posts of people asking about this but so far I donā€™t see any response other than ā€œtry a different software like Photosounderā€, or ā€œtake a series of screenshots and stitch them together into a panoramaā€.
Both solutions have merit of course, but none are as straightforward nor do they give the result Iā€™m looking for.

Still, probably not on this release, but hopefully next one? Cheers!


I dont normally care too much about GUI updates - but the look and feel of Spectralayers feels underpolished and not within the other steinberg look and feel. Particularly in the menus and toolsā€¦ The progress dialog that appears is very ā€˜development phaseā€™ looking.

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Several improvements to the UI as well in the upcoming version :slight_smile:


Before Spectralayers, I tried a trail of RipX, that is not as clean looking as Spectralayers. Therefore, I really like SL a lot more, since itā€™s cleaner and easier to use. The AI stuff (quality) is about the same (we havenā€™t got SP11 yet) :slight_smile:

Yes, there is space for SL GUI improvements,

And since I use a lot of products from Steinberg, there was no turn aroundā€¦ Spectralayers all the way. I think the different menus (dialogs) and lane (track) area, could need a little beauty shine up.

The click, noise repair stuff, could be improved a lot I think. Especially to be in the same quality area as RX. In fact, I would love to have more dedicated vinyl functions (dialogs) in SL :slight_smile:


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There seems to be a philosophical difference between SpectraLayers and RX (in addition to the obvious layer orientation). Most of the RX processes have multiple parameters the user can control. I donā€™t really understand all these parameters, so it is trial and error for me. SL has few options over each process.

If the default operation can get good results in all cases, then I donā€™t need any options. I guess that will be an ongoing debate.


the comparison now includes SL11 and RX 11


Wow! the new lead vocal and backing vocal sound great as does the Sax and Brass. Cant wait to try it out - unfortunately I start my vacation on the 12thā€¦

Keep up the good work!


The next eleven days will go on very very slowly.
I will definitely update to V11!!!
Crossing my fingers that there will be some crumbs for the sound design and composing musicians.

It is clearly progressing nicely and an upgrade is a no-brainer. I would call attention to the Pink Floyd bass unmix. This has been a weakness of SL 10.

SL, Ripx and RX found nothing at all. Acoustica found something but it is muddled and not particularly useful. The only one that found something useful was Logic. I hope SL can reach this level on the bass before too long. Nonetheless, it is already far beyond what I ever thought could be possible in an unmix function.

It took me a little time, before I saw it said SL11 :slight_smile:
Well, in the vocal area, SL completely destroys the other competitors.
RipX has always been up there, on a top place. But I still think SL is in front on most categories. The only thing I noted was SL bass stuff samples, which was a little distorted / corrupted, mostly at the very beginning of the sample playback, compared to RipX, which was more soft.

I canā€™t wait that long for SL11ā€¦ let me buy it now :smiley:



I recently went for the crossgrade from RX 10 to SL. Was considering RX 11, but after checking more closely, SL was a no-brainer for me. My current project requires me grabbing stems from audio I composed years ago, running through Melodyne Editor to get midi and chords for rework in Finale. Was barely able to do that with RX 10. For me, SL 10 is an absolute game-changer. Looking forward to SL 11. :slight_smile:

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