SpectraLayers 11?

Yes… Bass unmix needs attention; confident this should evolve for the better with ongoing development.

Otherwise, I too am pretty impressed with progress on display here… :slightly_smiling_face:

SL10 is an absolute GODSEND. And yet, what I would really like to see in SL11 is better VST compatibility (which is in itself ridiculous, since it’s done by the guys who created the VST standard). iZotope Nectar (basically any version), for example, does not work with SL. Often plugins crash, they introduce delay and shift the whole audio by a few milliseconds, enough to destroy any layering endeavor. Not to mention the extremely poor processing performance. The time it takes to apply some GAIN? Or the VST render times, when even Vegas Pro can do multiple VST3s in real time. Also, the healing tools in SL are laughable compared to those in RX (Attenuate, Replace, Pattern). Plus, it would be so awesome if they would make their spectrogram renderer work as good as it does in RX (it auto-adjusts so that it always displays everything so damn clearly!) Also, I hope the Unmix Noisy Speech will stop ignoring chunks of vocal information, like it does now.

@cosmingurau SL11 improves VST compatibility - as for the speed of applying VSTs, keep in mind SL is applying them spectrally - meaning you can apply it to any spectral selection, and not just time selection, hence the additional processing time.
SL makes the choice to not auto-adjust because it really depends what you’re looking for, and it’s not necessarily correlated to the zoomed region - see The Importance of FFT Size
On the other hand, it provides much easier and faster control over the FFT Size parameter, which is always visible and accessible at all time - and the spectrogram renders much faster than RX.
Unmix Noisy Speech has been improved in SL11 as well.


A bit more about my crossgrade …

So, I qualified and got the excellent SL10 pricing. Today I got a notice that I could get the Summer of Sound price for Izotope MPS 6.5 of $150. So, I checked to see what my loyalty upgrade offer from Izotope would be for MPS 6.5. Also, $150. So much for rewarding loyalty, I suppose. So glad I went for SL10 instead of the MPS upgrade offer.

Izotope pricing is all over the place. Now it’s cheaper for me to buy a new license for RX11 than to upgrade. Which I won’t do, btw. SL + my existing RX plugins do what I need.

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It is maddening. I have always liked their products, but their marketing makes me so angry, I am just not very likely to do any more business with them. I hate to say how many hours I have spent trying to understand their pricing. They keep putting out bundles that are off-cycle. That is to say, they may upgrade a particular product and offer no break for existing customers unless you buy a bundle, but the bundles overlap so much, that I might already have the current releases of everything else in that bundle. Then, when the next product is upgraded, the whole thing starts all over again.

It is either very predatory or very incompetent. I’m not sure which.

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The pricing strategy is very simple: they’ve trying different ways to hook you up and after that they put ridiculous prices and “offers” with hope that you’ll stay with them.
Since I got one of their great offers to get a bundle I never ever again saw an offer that was reasonable. Quite the opposite.
This is why I want SL to be 100% RX alternative so I can completely remove iZotope from my life.


I am so looking forward to SL11 - bring it on.

Like many others, I am also disenchanted with iZ and am unlikely to acquire any more of their products. Updating to RX11 Adv would have been twice the price as was the updatie to RX10 Adv - so it was an easy choice to not update.

Thank you for the reply. Very happy to hear about the VST3 compatibility update. Regarding the processing time, that’s sadly not an excuse - RX does the same thing, it works spectrally as well, over frequency selection, feathered or not, and it does so considerably faster. Not only that, but as I already said, SL almost always introduces some artifacts at the very beginning of the VST processing, and/or even shifts the audio by some milliseconds, which is absolutely unacceptable.

About the auto-adjusting of the FFT renderer, I really get what you are saying, but it would be (very) nice to simply have it as an option, preferably turned on by default. Regarding the spectrogram rendering speed… maybe. I haven’t done exact timed comparisons, but maybe.

I can’t wait to hear the new Unmix Noisy Speech, that is by far the feature I use most.

In our recent test that we shared, SLP10 Voice denoise obliterated RX10A Dialogue Isolate in a head to head test.
Going by it SLP11 should be a game changer.

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The World Premiere starts in 10 minutes :slight_smile:


Hey, how can I join the beta team? I have worked with the Mocha Pro team (2 years) and the Vegas Pro team (directly with the devs and product owner for 5 years).

Hi again Robin.
Is it best to disinstall Spectralayer One before installing the 11 version ?
Thanks in advance.

Wow! Just WOW!

Really nice video introduction. Dom is always super good and pro, at explaining how things are working out. So thumps up for Dom!

I hope, there will be more in deep videos , that explains how separations work out, with all the tool available in SL. Things starts to get a bit crowded in there, in terms of features, just like in Cubase. More explaining is needed… maybe I’m getting old… :slight_smile:

And then, if bass separation could be improved, to be up among the best separation programs, or be the best program to use, this would be the hammer.


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Fantastic…Well Voice Denoise, Speech Unmix and other AI stuff were on expected lines. But what stole my attention are the GUI and workflow enhancements which is big but also small little things such as selection feathering, drag and drop layers as finished audio clip to the desktop as well as volume envelopes esp when we all know that Dialogue editing can be such a pain.
My 2 cents - move aside RX and watch out Adobe Audition here I come.

Forgive me, I haven’t been able to find what the upgrade price is for 10 owners who are out of the grace period?

I use SL10, RX11 and RipX on recordings that I don’t have the original tracks for, to bring them into the modern world a little bit. Separation has to be clean for tuning/pitching vocals, and for clean lead vocals I’ve been using LALAL. For vocals with harmonies it gets more complicated to tune them independently. Re-balancing a mix is easier than de-mixing. I’m sure there are a bunch of techniques I haven’t learned just yet.

I love SL spectral view. Wonderful to work in.

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Wow, now that seems like an amazing update. Can’t wait :slight_smile:

I’d like to know too. I assume if full retail of 10 is currently £254 and offer is £152, it’s gonna be around £100 to upgrade from 10 to 11 outside the May grace period.

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iZotope pricing has become ridiculous. I have Everything Bundle and am up-to-date with everything other than the new version of Trash and RX 11. My loyalty offer to upgrade from RX 10 Advanced to RX 11 Advanced was nearly £300 at the current “on sale” price, which is utterly ridiculous, especially when you take into account how buggy RX is when used in Nuendo. iZotope pricing is especially poor if you are only slightly out of date; I’m current on Ozone, Nectar, and Neutron. To put things into perspective, I could buy a full licence for SpectraLayers Pro 10 with a free grace-period update to SpectraLayers Pro 11 in the current sale for less than iZotope wants to upgrade RX 10 Advanced to RX 11 Advanced.

I will be upgrading SpectraLayers Pro 10 to SpectraLayers Pro 11 and will continue to move away from RX (and iZotope products) as much as possible.

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