SpectraLayers 11?

Today I think - https://www.youtube.com/live/2BoEgBGiafM?si=lr2B5KcJwaklLXhG

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In just a couple hours now :slight_smile:


I can’t wait😂

It’s available! I just activated my license and installed it through the Steinberg Download Assistant

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How did you get your license? The Steinberg shop doesn’t seem to offer SL11 yet - did you get a grace period upgrade?


The page is now live !


Appreciate the 15% discount!


When does the discount end?

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Upgraded and installed. 1st look and running some sample audio, so far I like it. Many thanks.
Just running in stand-alone to try a few files. Will load within Cubase 13 Pro later in the week and try and do some “real” stuff.
I was worried it would not work on my older i5, but it seems OK at present. But does say my CPU is too slow for some of the live previews: the crowd noise reduction. I don’t have a GPU to offload to, as the embedded intel GPU inside the i5 does not seem to really help.

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New algorithm sounds amazing, for the un mixing

One of the main reasons I bought this is for batch processing, I have RX 10 but that doesn’t sound as good SL , I was hoping to be able to access Cubase plugins for batch processing but can’t seem to find them ?

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Just downloaded FL11 - now I know what to do rest of the day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@grayedout it was not featured in the ARA version because this seemed to make little sense in that context, but if there are requests for that it could be added to ARA as well in patch.


That would be excellent.:+1:


Unmix Crowd Noise has already paid for itself … simply stunning. Well done Robin!


A bug was found in which switching between Composite View and Layer View using keyboard shortcuts would not return to Composite View.

Hi Robin , I’ve been using RX 10 for batch processing, but it sounds nowhere near as good as even SL10 , and SL11 is another league.

What I’m trying to do is burn in (batch process- stock plug-ins) on individual drum hits etc which could be hundreds or more , to process samples.

Not really sure how I would do it with ARA. , its more be able to add the stock Steinberg plugs in SL11 ?

After moving over recently to Cubase 12 ,13 and now Nuendo . I have been trying to use plug-ins more and more Leicester parties. Problem is now I’m using stock plug-ins. I don’t have them available for the batch processing. duh


I’m a registered user of SL10. Before upgrading, is it possible to download and install SL11 on the same machine for a test period? Or is there a special trial version yet to come?

Welcome to the Forum.

A trial version is usually coming some weeks after the release, so if you want that you need to wait.

You can have multiple versions of the product on the same machine, but just downloading and starting will not work, as you do not have the new license for it.

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I said it in other threads and it’s worth repeating here - for those of us in post production “morphed” or “cloned” voices really is going to be standard operating procedure in the very near future and we need that capability either in SL or natively in Cubendo.

I really think this needs to be included in future versions.

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