SpectraLayers 11?

I sent proof for crossgrade, but it might take longer to verify than the sale lasts… Will I get discounted price even if sale ends before the verification process is done?

Dom video looks good!

Not quibbling, but “unmix chorus” should be labelled “unmix bg vocals” instead imo.

At any rate, hope the SB server is working well when I buy on June 19 :slight_smile:

Impressive. GUI and menu layout improvements definitely welcome. Organizational features, batch processing, dnd separate track groups in ARA is super.

Standout items for me are improved vocal repair, noise reduction, part isolation and mixing.

My dream features are surgical formant editing and vibrato without need for Variaudio or Celemony etc, and my holy Grail, voice construction via sample modeling from the project song for repair and enhancement and voice substitution from other sample models for novel backup vocals and harmonies. Furthering the impetus to truly make SL “the Photoshop of sound editing” as Dom said. I love it!

As a highly visually oriented sound person, SL is heading towards a shroom-like groovy, sound painting synesthesia I really dig. SL’s creative potential is already cause for a steady creative rush in my studio.

Generally, I’d like to see a wider, one-stop palette in SL. This is a worthy upgrade and I’ll gladly buy it if I can afford it on 19 June. I want to upgrade Dorico and Wavelab too. Maybe get Absolute or some appealing deal. Anything new planned for them? Gotta spend wisely.

Have you tried Replay for voice modeling? I know people use it for BG vocals and harmonies

For audiobook my wife has 2 modules right at the end of batch processing and hope they eventually arrive. They are :
RX Resample module - 24/48 → 16 bit/44 kHz
RX Loudness Control module - audiobook (audible)

Thanks for your example. I haven’t tried Replay. I was thinking of advanced AI mod tools that are currently available with other companies.

Personally, I like Steinberg ARA integration and I meant to say I prefer having my tools in one house, not scattered amongst different companies with multiple accounts and different user interface strategies. I particularly dislike uploading my audio tracks to such companies (which they require) in order to train their models and thereby potentially lose security and confidentiality.

It´s not like that, lack of integration is of course, esp. the promised vst3. But you can run it locally on your computer, only the basic files needs to be downloaded, nothing upload, and can be installed on offline computer.

I think that’s true with average plugins. Take the example of respeecher.com and other companies of the like where one would upload a track of their own voice speaking or singing a song and the company processes the song and it comes back as for example Frank Sinatra singing the song or rapping. I’m talking about extreme vocal transformations and modifications that cannot be done locally without specialized software, large training models and high power GPUs etc.

This is where AI is going especially in terms of repair and creativity. No simple plug-in on one’s home computer can do that right now because it requires quite a lot of processing power, AI training, licensing etc. It also tends to be expensive. Perhaps I’m impatient but I’d like to see Steinberg head in that direction more quickly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t know what’s fast or not, but todays Nvidia cards with even 8 gb do amazing stuff on AI. Training of course takes time

I was hoping for a feature like “frequency restoration”, as in DxRevive. I wish it’s in the work for v12…


Gotta say Dom Sigalas did a great job explaining the new features.
We did not see everything that is new in SL1 1.
Will love to see all features that were not included in the video.
Is there a complete list of all the new features?

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More about that on June 19th :slight_smile:


Indeed. I have an adequate 6 year old RX580 and I’m eyeing an Asus ProArt 4080 Super with 16g. Then again, the 5000 series is likely only months away with updated Tensors, maybe 24g and goodness knows what else? Plus they’re very costly now and I’m waiting for a significant price break.

I’ve heard the 4080 makes short work of Spectralayers projects.

AND a big congratulations to you Robin for the great new feature set on Spectralayers 11. Looking forward to the July 19 release.


All looks quite promising - well done Robin…!

The UI workflow items seem like they will help quite a bit; batch processing, is a giant +1 from me… :wink:

I hope that De-noise + De-reverb, will be as good as in RX11. Right now… listning from the page: https://divideconcept.github.io/Restoration-Comparison/ somebody (mastering engineer) said to me that SL11 sounds like mouth-watering, compared to RX11 on those examples. I can’t hear it myself, but maybe somebody can fill on here?!


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I must say, a big thank you for implementing multiple file drag & drop to project.
Now we just need multiple extension/spectralayers removal from ARA in cubase, one by one is quite a slow process.

Having recently tried to change the bpm of a project with multiple Spectralayers enabled in a 400+ track project, caused an instant crash.
A simple remove all instances in project button would really help here.
Digging to find where the instances are to remove them one by one is a tedious job.


I don’ t know if the presentation by Dom would have been the place to announce “minor” (ha!) improvements like better utilization of Apple Silicon Graphics capabilities. I guess not. Until something happens in this arena I and my MacBook Pro with M2 Max processor will feel left behind.

What time?


Not yet in the CET zone.

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