Standard Transport bar in all windows

F2 is for the floating transport panel. But most of the time I activate Transport bar in the Set up Windows Layout and resize the other windows (s.a. mixer and key editor) at the bottom so the Transport bar is visible in all windows. My question for a future update: Can this be a standard in a future update?


I asked for that several times already, i.e. transport bar at the bottom of any editor window (not sure if that’s what you’re asking for though). But I didn’t get any support unfortunately…

Yes, that is exactly the question. A fixed Transport bar at the bottom of all windows is so much easier and more organized. Then users also don’t have to adjust the floating Transport panel and the Transport bar the same way every time.

Steinberg responded to my request: You are welcome to use our forum for feature requests:

Hopefully Steinberg will change it in a future update.
Kind regards.

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Here you are some (just the latests) links to my Lower zone transport bar previous requests:

SB has an amazing ability to ignore its paying customers.