Steinberg Activation Manager sign in not letting me sign with any of the browser

Im trying to update to cubase 12 pro from cubase 11 pro, however when I allow my browser to open SAM, nothing happens. I’ve tried it with different browser. Now im just stuck with trying to sign in/try again.

Have you reset your browser cache and cookies?

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yes ive done that already.

Same here .
I tried opening activation manager and all i get is make sure your browser is not blocking it. I looked in Firefox and there is a section where i found the activation manager and it is ok and not blocking.
You cannot get passed the red button to go any further

All the Best

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Same here I wish the elicenser was still there. Never had problems with that.

Having same problem here… first my eLicenser didn’t showed any licenses to activate, didn’t worked even with the activation code, and now I’m no able to sign in to activation manager or to the eLicenser

Did you guys solve the problem?
Same problem…

Did you find a solution to Signing in?