Steinberg Activation Manager "Sign In" not working

Grazie Grazie Grazie :heart:

Thank you so much. It works!

Thank you @SKnapp you solve the issue . Bless

we added a help center article with a more convenient workaround:

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windows not working

HI everyone,
The Steinberg activation manager doesnt open window to sign.
That is blocking the cubase work. (41,6,KB)

I just bought the Cubase 14 Artist, and the Steinberg Activation Manager is not signing in. I use windows 11. Someone could help me on this issue please?

(post deleted by author)

Hi @SKnapp , it opened normally.

Hi I have the same flipping problem and im trying for hours to figure out the problem. so your link has been taking me to a link that i couldn’t find before. however, when i enter it says: You are not authorized to view this site. Please sign out and try again. and when i’m doing that it says it again. do u happen to know this problem?

Hi @SKnapp ! When I’m not signed in with my steinberg account, the login form appears. When I’m signed in, the “You are not authorized to view this site. Please sign out and try again” message are showed.

Yes this is all expected, I just needed to check if maybe there is a general problem on Windows when you try to reach the link. We are investigating why SAM doesn’t work.
Until now we only know that using a VPN can be a workaround.