I don’t know where to report this, but since the only Steinberg package I own is Dorico, this is where I’ll start. I am using a 4K monitor on Windows 11. The Steinberg Download Assistant is nearly unusable, as the spacing prevents important information from being seen. See attached screenshot. I can scroll the tiny arrows to see the text at the bottom, but that shouldn’t be necessary. Are there any workarounds short of reducing the monitor resolution each time I want to use it?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the issue is on the left. When I can work out which is the right icon, the panel on the right is fine!
I often experience similar problems within Dorico’s GUI, I suppose it has something to do with Dorico’s underlying Qt framework getting into conflicts with Windows’ desktop scaling settings. I use a 1440p ultrawide screen and have Windows scaled to 150%.
@Ulf @dspreadbury Can you tell us something about this?
The SDA is a Java application, so this is probably a different problem.
Have you already resized the window of the Download Assistant? The dropdown content gets bigger on increasing the window size.
But I also don’t know why the repeated big logos are necessary. Just the version name would be also sufficient and it would save a lot of space.
My assumption regarding the Qt framework stems from earlier experience with Qt based software in different scaling settings in Windows. One particularly problematic software used to be DaVinci Resolve, which at some time couldn’t handle non-integer scaling at all - setting Windows to 225% would blow up Resolve to 300%. This could only be resolved (pun intended) by creating a custom launch link with a particular, long suffix back then. I remember Dorico having similar issues in the longer-ago past, albeit they weren’t nearly as bad as Resolve’s. (On the other hand, there is Qt based software that handles scaling without any issues in Windows.)
There are ways in which Java and Qt can be combined, so I wouldn’t rule out some Qt factor here, but that assumption is merely based on the similarities between the issues documented in @whudson 's screenshot and those that I experience within Dorico. Anyway, I am not a programmer or software developer, so these are all a layperson’s guesses, which is why I would love to read a Dorico developer’s opinion on this.
Welcome to the forum, @whudson. I wasn’t personally previously aware of this problem, so I’ve reported it to the team who work on SDA and will let you know what they say. I use a 4K display on my own Windows PC and don’t run into this problem, but I guess I am using a different display scaling percentage.
SDA doesn’t use Qt. It is indeed a Java-based application and uses a Java library for its interface; I don’t know which one.
I’m not sure what problems you are talking about, @klavierpunk, with Dorico on Windows. The application looks acceptable at any Windows display resolution scaling setting. It has been several years since the underlying issue in the Qt framework over handling non-integral scale factors was addressed by their developers.
I will take some screenshots and post them here.
This is a snippet of the export prompt, the list of flows looks very similar to what @whudson postet above and I cannot find any way (if there is one) to adjust the margins of the window or the lists manually. This is what made me assume that the SDA scaling issue might somehow be related to what’s happening here.
This is a rather minor problem though, the major one is that sometimes it occurs that library windows (or that of the project info) exceed the screen so the Apply and Close buttons become inaccessible, rarely, when this is the case, the window itself is already at the top of the screen, so dragging or maximizing it with the pointing device (aka “mouse”) to get around this becomes also impossible.
Probably due to the dreaded demo effect, I couldn’t reproduce this phenomenon right now, but I will update this thread with screenshots when it occurs again. The closest thing to this problem that I was able to “reproduce” (in quotation marks because I have no idea what I could do systematically to get there) is this, the rightmost part of the window was cut off by the screen boundary right on opening it:
This was taken on my Surface Pro 9’s screen (1920p, 200% scaling) after I failed to reproduce anything on the 34" ultrawide (1440p, 150%).
Could it be that there might be issues if screens are changed without restarting Dorico? Anyway, in my case this also seems to occur when there is no screen change after Windows and Dorico starting up.
For the Export Audio dialog, you should find that you can resize the dialog by dragging any of its corners or edges.
If you routinely switch between either using an external display or not, or routinely run with displays connected with different resolutions and/or scaling settings, you may encounter that the saved position and/or size for each dialog and window isn’t perfect when applied to another display. Dorico doesn’t record what the overall display dimensions were when it saves the size and position of a dialog or window, so when it restores those values, they may not always be ideal if the new display dimensions are very different.
There is a problem that you may run into when you have multiple displays connected that use different resolutions and/or scaling settings. Some parts of the Dorico user interface may transiently draw at the wrong scale factor, especially when moving the window from one display to the other. This can normally be correct by moving the project window to the other display and back again, or sometimes simply by resizing it.
None of these problems are specifically due to issues with Qt’s support for floating point scale factors.