Steinberg Download Assistant completely broken

I have downloaded all of this, Download Assistant is completely broken.
I only return to check for updates to C14

Define “broken”?

I see one d/l status as “failed”, but this can well be an intermittent server problem or something on your end.

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I have already downloaded and installed all of these features, they should be all green, and they were when I performed the download/install.
All these features are working in Cubase.
I have reinstalled all Steinberg installers separately and as a package and the problem persists.
Download Assistant is not correctly reading what is installed = broken.

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Was it so difficult to write that in the first post?

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I’m so glad I clarified so I could squeeze that last bit of attitude from you, thanks so much.
I t was clear in the first post.

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What do you mean with this? Did you install the packages outside of the Download Assistant, by downloading from the Download page?


It is only clear now in the context of your 2nd post.
The inflamatory laguage (“broken”) doesn’t help :slight_smile:

So in that case the Download Assistant is not broken, it simply doesn’t know about your downloads.

The SDA maintains a repository file with all the packages and their state. If you download from the download page the SDA doesn’t know that and can simply not show what you have done.

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How can I get a correct representation of what is installed on my system or not?
It is all installed.

For a full representation you need to run the downloads via the SDA. There is no way of manually adding the state, it is contained in a large JSON file and you do not want to modify that.

I think we are misunderstanding each other.
I installed all these elements from the SDA.
The elements I installed separately are Activation Manager/Library Manager/Media Bay/iLok as prompted when I first received a download error in SDA

Ok, in that case something must have happened to the repository file, but that is tricky to find out. Do you have done any kind of cleanup, using some tools?

I haven’t done anything extra like that, no.

I have no idea why the SDA has changed in that case. I think the only way is to download the components again (I know it is a lot) and making it complete that way.

Or you contact support and ask them why this has happened.

Thanks for your input, I’ll go to Support. I just want it to be accurate.

Check out this thread:

I had exactly the same problem as you, but today it’s started working.

My (concise) experience.
I used to have an i7 4790 PC using my phones’ hotspot for the web. SDA was a constant pain to use, with the usual internet problems.
Now I have an i9 12900 PC with broadband provided by a different provider. Same problems persist.
My conclusion is that the problem is not on my side.

Download assistant needs work for sure, like NI Access which can correctly tell what versions of the plugins/libraries you have installed.
I think Steinberg are working in an all in one solution, it would make sense that apps/plugins, libraries and licensing are all in one application instead of three separate ones, and then hopefully it can keep track of what is installed, what needs updating etc.
Coming in 2035 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep the whole ancillary download and install apps are a great idea. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for a lot of people and Steinberg hide as a result. I’m just totally sick and tired of this, I’ve been using Cubase since the late 90’s. Cubase Pro 14 is terrible and who knows, there is just lots of different issues that end the Cubase Pro 14 and they have to start again. Just fed up with them, over to Reaper, Studio One Pro and LUNA until they end up sorting out their multiple versions. Fed up and maybe I’ll just dump them. Why do companies destroy customers despite their dead apps?