Steinberg Download Assistant is broken beyond repair

I bought the Cubase Pro 14 upgrade this afternoon and when I went to download it, I got the Download Assistant error message: “An error occurred while downloading Cubase 14.0.5- Application (required). Please try again later.” I’ m using Download Assistant ver 1.36.3 and I’ve been getting variations on that error message for anything I’ve attempted to download using the download assistant for that last few months. So much so that the only part of it that is still functional is the Enter Download Access Code button. The rest of it is completely kaput even after manually downloading and installing the related parts such as Media Bay, Activation Manager, Library Manager Install Assistant and eLicenser Control.

Please, please, please fix it so that it works again. It used to, so why not now?

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I’m reporting a similar issue. In my case there’s no history to consider. It’s a clean install of Download assistant on a new Windows 11 laptop and it doesn’t work out of the box… I’ve also linked another thread in my post. Can't install on Windows 11 - #3 by larryhaggman

I just upgraded from 10.5 and the download assistant won’t install anything, I just get multiple errors. The worst thing is, it doesn’t say what the errors are - the height of lazy development.

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And the broken Download Assistant saga continues. I just instaled the latest version [1.36.4] and attempted to download and install the updates for HALion 7 but, nope, it completely failed and I had to resort to downloading the installer manually instead.
I don’t mind installing the files and programs manually but what really grinds my gears is being expected to use an application that simply DOES. NOT. WORK. in order to install software, samples and loops that I have paid for.

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Same for me. I attempted to download Cubase 13 but it failed immediately with “Application required”. Nothing else could be downloaded either, even the ReadMe file.

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Here’s another thread about the same issue!
Steinberg Download Assistant - NOT WORKING! - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

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The worst thing is, it doesn’t say what the errors are

This is a good point.
It would be helpful to get an error message what the problem is.

Problem connecting to the servers? If so, what type of error?
Problem saving the download to the disk? If so, what is the error? Wrong path? Windows permission issue? Etc.
Anything more than “An error occured” would be helpful.

Unbelievable but true, this download problem still persist even after days multiple uses have reported the issue. Have you all looked into SDA log file which you will find at \AppData\Local\Steinberg Download Assistant\logs? My next attempt was to download
Dorico 5.1.70 Version History File and I get these errors:

2024-12-01 08:47:27.879 INFO 21736 — [tornadofx-thread-2] n.s.e.d.gui.update.UpdateController : Content download choices with updates: 0
2024-12-01 08:47:27.879 INFO 21736 — [tornadofx-thread-2] n.s.e.d.gui.update.UpdateController : Application download choices with updates: 0
2024-12-01 08:47:30.508 INFO 21736 — [JavaFX Application Thread] : Loading download choices for product Dorico Pro 5 on platform WIN64
2024-12-01 08:47:41.207 INFO 21736 — [JavaFX Application Thread] n.s.e.d.g.d.DownloadChoiceController : START Dorico 5.1.70 Version History
2024-12-01 08:47:41.219 INFO 21736 — [JavaFX Application Thread] n.s.e.d.c.DownloadDirectoryServiceImpl : Selected volumes file system type is NTFS
2024-12-01 08:47:41.223 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] n.s.e.d.d.aria2.DownloadServiceAria2 : start() downloadChoice: Dorico 5.1.70 Version History State: NOT_STARTED
2024-12-01 08:47:41.223 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] n.s.e.d.d.a.DownloadArtifactServiceImpl : start() downloadArtifact: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\Steinberg\WIN64\Dorico 5.1.70 Version History\Dorico_5.1.70_Version_History.pdf.sda-download State: NOT_STARTED
2024-12-01 08:47:41.236 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] .e.d.d.r.PersistedDownloadRepositoryImpl : Add download Dorico 5.1.70 Version History (fb017fbc-5011-4d59-bda1-7d20bac20de8)
2024-12-01 08:47:41.290 ERROR 21736 — [Thread-8] n.s.e.d.d.aria2.internal.Aria2Process : stream: 12/01 08:47:41 [e[1;31mERRORe[0m] CUID#12 - Download aborted. URI=
2024-12-01 08:47:41.290 ERROR 21736 — [Thread-8] n.s.e.d.d.aria2.internal.Aria2Process : stream: Exception: [] errorCode=1 Network problem has occurred. cause:A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
2024-12-01 08:47:42.396 INFO 21736 — [Thread-8] n.s.e.d.d.aria2.internal.Aria2Process : stream: 12/01 08:47:42 [e[1;32mNOTICEe[0m] Download GID#56e2697e002b4cfc not complete: C:/Users/xxx/Downloads/Steinberg/WIN64/Dorico 5.1.70 Version History/Dorico_5.1.70_Version_History.pdf.sda-download
2024-12-01 08:47:51.345 INFO 21736 — [JavaFX Application Thread] n.s.e.d.g.d.DownloadChoiceController : RUNNING DOWNLOAD WAS CANCELLED: Dorico 5.1.70 Version History
2024-12-01 08:47:54.056 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] n.s.e.d.d.aria2.DownloadServiceAria2 : cancel() downloadChoice: Dorico 5.1.70 Version History State: ERROR_DOWNLOAD
2024-12-01 08:47:54.057 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] n.s.e.d.d.a.DownloadArtifactServiceImpl : stop() downloadArtifact: Dorico_5.1.70_Version_History.pdf State: ERROR_UNKNOWN
2024-12-01 08:47:54.557 INFO 21736 — [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] n.s.e.d.d.a.DownloadArtifactServiceImpl : cancel() downloadArtifact: Dorico_5.1.70_Version_History.pdf State: ERROR_UNKNOWN

Interestingly, the log mentions the download link of this PDF file “” and I was able to download it manually.

Follow-up: By looking into log file attempting to download Cubase 13 Installer file, I was at least noticing the download link of the installer file and got Cubase 13 now fully installed without any problems. That all being said, this is definitely a problem with SDA

No need to scan log Files for downloads, they are openly available on the Support site

This line in your log has the Problem exception, the network is not reachable.

Why the SDA can’t reach the network, but a download via the Browser works is hard to tell.