Steinberg Download Assistant is NOT Working!

Hi there, I just bought the update from Cubase 10.5 to Cubase 11 today, and I have already activated it on my account.
Now it’s time to download from the WTF Steinberg Download Assistant. But it’s NOT working!!! :imp:
I tried many times, but everytime it pops up a window and directs me to a web and again and again it comes to a loop that never ends!!!
I feel so mad, I just bought it for several hours and that’s the product you made?!
Not satisfactory at all.
Hope you could solve it ASAP. :arrow_right: Check the images attached.



Does anyone have any solution? I’m in a hurry.

I have the same problem, cannot sing in… It’s an endless loop… :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Same here. I cannot log in to Steinberg Download Assistance to download the upgrade from Cubase 10.5 to Cubase 11. I have already activated the license but when I open the Download Assistant and log in, it redirects me to the Steinberg page and I accept the permission but it doesn’t log in the Download Assistant, looping.

Same from 2 days, No cubase 11 for now -.-

its keep looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping , ok tell us , if you have problem , and when you are gonna solve it , why you punish your customer to looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping looping


Yep, same here. Knowledgebase page says the issue is with Mac OS’s prior to 10.12 (Sierra), but I’m on 10.12.6 and I’m still getting the same problem!

Looks like more than a few of us are having the same issue. Steinberg??!!

Tried 3 different browser’s (Firefox, Safari, Chrome) thinking that might be the problem…but NOOOOOOO.

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Had this issue. Make sure your system clock is synced to the correct time in your OS. fixed it for me

It works fine for me (Windows 7 Pro, Google Chrome). I logged in but did not have to enter download acces code. I downloaded everything I wanted with no problems.

Exact copy of this bug. Firefox is authorized to open Steinberg Download Assistant but fails to do so.

Yes. I tried different browsers and nothing. I have W10 last version.

I solved the issue by using my MAC old version , i downloads Cubase 11 pro and activated without any problem. so if you have MAC , you can solve the issue temporary , please note there is option to select win64 also , so you can install them in mac and transferred the files to windows.

If I bought the upgrade from 10.5pro to 11pro, which product do I choose in the Download Assistant? Do I choose “Cubase Pro 11”, or do I choose “Cubase Pro 11 Update”? I assume it’s the latter? But does the latter result in having both versions on your machine?

PS: If it said “Upgrade” instead of “Update” it’d be less confusing. Because how it’s written, it seems you need to do both, to get 11 and its first update.



use cubase Pro 11 Update , that what i did… it is working


Cant even sign in on windows 10

you can not use Microsoft now , some of my friends they can use but others like me , i can not use windows so i open my account via mac , and downloaded Cubase 11 pro with selecting win64 version, just put the files in usb then install them in windows 10.

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j’ai le même problème, message téléchargement échoué. Existe-t-il un autre moyen de télécharger Cubase 11 sans passer par Download Assistant.

I have the same problem!!! Its frustrating!!!