Steinberg Product Activation FAQ

Hi all,
Depending on the program version available, there are different methods on how to register, activate and maybe even download it in the first place.
Please read the knowledge base article that provides an overview on the different code types like activation codes and download access codes, the registration process and eLicensers.
It also features a video link that explains the processes in detail.

Software/Product license activation

I think I made everything correctly but couldn’t activate. Here is the error message that I am receiving when I run eLicenser Control:

Currently, there is no eLicenser connected to your computer which you can download your license to. Please connect an appropriate USB-eLicenser to your computer. In case you do not have any USB-eLicensers available and want to download the license to a so-called “Soft-eLicenser”, please contact the software vendor of your product, to learn how to create a Soft-eLicenser on your computer system.

I obviously do not have USB-eLicenser as I bought the WaveLab LE without the USB-eLicenser. Do I need to buy USB-eLicensers separately to run the software?

Hi! No, you don’t have to buy a USB-eLicenser to work with WaveLab LE. Without any details on your system, which bundle you bought WaveLab LE with, the version of the eLicenser Control Center and whether the eLicenser Control Center is just empty, I won’t be able to help much.

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I bought Olympus LS-P4 recorder as a bundle with WaveLab LE 9. Yes, eLicenser Controls center is just empty. It is
Thanks for helping.

Okay, and which operating system are you working on?

I am using MacOS Catalina, the latest.

This article may help but keep in mind that WaveLab LE 9 is not officially compatible with macOS Catalina.

When do you expect to have WaveLab 9 compatible with macOS Catalina???

Not at all, older versions won’t be made compatible officially anymore, sorry!

I’ve just bought a Zoom H1N recorder and have been trying for two days to download the two pieces of Steinberg software that apparently come free with the device - Cubase LE & WaveLab LE - but have had zero success. I’m running Mac OS 14.4 (Mojave). Is this a compatibility issue as well? Have I just wasted three days?

I am sorry that the download does not seem to work but what exactly does not work? Is the download interrupted? Mojave is just fine for the latest Cubase and WaveLab releases.

I’ve been trying to reactivate Wavelab LE 9.5 but apparently reactivating to a new install of Windows deleted my license. eLicenser tells me the license is deprecated and redownloading it using the Acess Code that came with my H1N ends up the same way. What gives? I had no issues reactivating it before.

BrunoDSL, not sure how I can help here. In your MySteinberg account, there is a valid license listed and activated on the same day you posted here. Is this still an issue?
If so, please contact the support directly and provide details on the Soft-eLicenser that is listed in the eLicenser Control Center and the operating system you work on.

I’ve just bought a Zoom H4N Pro recorder and with Cubase LE & WaveLab LE download codes.

My computer is WIN10, 64 BIT. Following guide to download WaveLab Le, ENTER the download code, then got an activation code. Installed, activated and working. Same time the Steinberg download assistant was installed too. From Steinberg download assistant I DOWNLOAD Cubase LE and installed. Than run it, it asked an activation code. I have a download code but have no activate code. How can I get one?
I have tried to download Cubase LE from the website but still no chance to enter the download code to get an activation code just like when I download WaveLab LE. I need you help. Thanks.

I have my Soft eLicense code and I have done the reactivation step. Regardless I’m unable to activate the product (H1 Zoom). I’m also unable to find my original product package purchased in 2011/2013. Due to my laptop breakage 2018 I managed to salvage previous installation folders and data but I don’t have my activation code and for some reason I’m unable to run the software even though I have the old laptop harddrive. In brief I need a new activation/reactivation code to unlock/download the software.

I have made request on this two weeks ago with id #270015. I haven’t heard anything since. Am I really forced to buy completely new product to have the activation code… on the product which I have already bought.

Thing is, there’s no Wavelab LE 9.5 listed anywhere. Entering the activation code or download access gives an error when downloading the license, as the eLicenser claims the license was already used. I have no problems with the Cubase LE 10.5 license and can easily reactivate it. I can’t provide an eLicenser number because it doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t believe bothering my local distributor will accomplish anything, as I don’t think such a thing exists in my country or it’s the same as not existing. Only reason I’m responding is that I need the software working currently.

PM sent!

I have a question about the grace period.
I’ve bought wavelab 10 pro. I haven’t activated it yet. If I activate the product AFTER or the day of the release of the next major update, could I benefit from the grace period?
Also the next major update of wavelab will be 10.5 or 11?

Indeed, if you have an activation code that is used on the day or after the release of a new major release, the grace period will upgrade the license automatically.

Also the next major update of wavelab will be 10.5 or 11?

Yes! :wink:

I cannot activate my purchase.
Where do I get Help/Support? The link on the first post is not available anymore.


Clicking “Submit a Ticket” on the Support page redirects me to My Steinberg page and when I clicked on My Support there, it brought me back to the Support page. It’s an endless loop!

Order number: 216150629
Customer number: 112527238