Steinberg vst instruments sound files locations?

Is their a way to move the sound files for the Steinberg vst instruments that come standard with cubase 6?

I want to keep my operating system SSD clean just programs op and nothing else.
I found a post on here about this but the file paths are different and I can’t find them.

Using Cubase 6 64bit Windows7


And would you mind providing that little bit of info where you looked and didn’ t find? Might help to not give the same answer again…Just a thought…

This was the one

Well, depending on the user rights you installed Cubase with, try
C:/user/all users/Steinberg/Content/VST Sound or -/HalionOne soundbanks
or something like that with x64 (32 bit here)
Or simply do a search for *.vstsound

Good call.

Im on an admin Windows account running cubase as administrator after installing.

I just done a fresh op install and tidy up on my daw just wanted to see if it would cure my superior drummer and halion problem as I looked and looked for an answer to why it was doing what its doing?

Toontrack couldn’t help and nobody here had an answer.

Haven’t tried it yet as I haven’t finished installing things and tweeking yet.I’d like to sort Steinberg instrument sounds before I move on.

Thanks for your help I’ll post if I manage to do the move.

It´s about if you install it for all users, or only yourself .

Well, if you have done a fresh install, you should simply have chosen “custom install”, and Cubase had let you choose where to install the files.

If i had done custom install does that give me the option where the sound files go?



I got everything all where i want it now :laughing:

when the sound files in steiny plugins loaded are the loaded to ram or constatly read from the source drive?

I don’ t know…

It was half and half with the older version of halion…but i dont know about the new one or groove agent.
makes no diffrence to me if it does i still would like to move them.
anyway i will carry on with the task ahead.