It’s sequential shortcuts. Don’t know if it’s Mac specific, but I don’t think so. I noticed that totally by chance. A sequence of shortcuts in the keyboard shortcuts editor.
For instance, cmd-F, n, t would filter top notes, cmd-f,n,b would filter bottom notes.
It works on Windows too. I use it a lot.
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Recently got a Streamdeck XL. Have any of you updated profiles, icons, advice, tutorials, etc for use with Dorico 5?
There is a sale on…
Thanks! I already bought the Streamdeck XL and the Notation Express profile. I was hoping to get tips, personalized updates, icons, tutorial, advice, whatever from experienced users.
The only real change I made was to add a ‘Open Dorico’ button in one of the spaces in the opening keypad - this sounds superfluous as you are already probably in Dorico - but I have this as my default setting in my XL and doing other stuff until I am ready to launch it.
@Evan_Solot, what are you looking for beyond last month’s discussion? Any particular aspects not addressed there?