I have seen some handwritten music that has string music (violin, etc.) to be play two notes at 1 time (different strings). I have seen this done by showing a bracket between the 2 note heads.
I am not sure if Dorico can do this. If it can, how?
That’s what I have done, Q for “Quord” to stack the notes.
I am curious about the bracket though. The string part goes back and forth between divisi and unison. So I think that bracket clarifies it not to be a divisi part. And I have tried to do multiple voices when it is divisi to make better sense.
Or “unis.” (for “unisoni”) - and “div.” for “divisi” of course
The usual convention is “chords” for double stopping and “two voices” for divisi, but it’s possible to play a sustained note on one string and several different notes on another string simultaneously, so using only the stems directions is not always 100% clear.
If you want to write complicated divisi parts, it’s probably best to use two staves - since two players are reading from one part, you probably want to include both staves in the parts as well, unless you really want all the “best” players on the front desks of the section to play one of the lines, and the rest to play the other (possibly simpler) one.
The use of this bracket is quite legitimate and I have used it often in Sibelius for the purpose you intend. I assume that it is just not part of the Dorico repertoire yet.
Hi all,
Wondering if there is yet any way to add this non-div bracket, or a bracket above to indicate the duration of playing on a single string. See the two examples attached:
If not yet official, any suggestion for a workaround would be very helpful.
+1 on the brackets. They are also used in guitar fingering to indicate more than one pitch stopped by a finger on inner strings - a kind of barre, but with open strings on either side. I haven’t tried it, but I suspect one could simply use the bracket symbol, increase/decrease the font size as needed, and manually move into place.
Yes, that’s what I use: shift-o, nonarp, enter.
But the line tools can be useful when you only need one end to have an horizontal ending, for a R.H or L.H marking (quite easy to create with this tool)
oh my god THANK-YOU!!!
I’d been using a vertical line, but the hooks on those are a bit too big.
I had never noticed this bracket in the ornaments menu. It is MUCH nicer looking!
And I’ve just replaced all the vertical lines in three orchestral scores with these “ornament” brackets.
They resize beautifully, and the best part is they actually take less horizontal space than the vertical line with hooks (from the Lines menu.)
Robby- please respell the word ‘bracket’ correctly in the subject line of your original post so that I can search for this thread when I need to find it. [There’s no way I’ll remember to respell it 'backet!!!]